What you need to know about lithium-ion battery charging Mistakes

 In recent years, lithium-ion batteries have become an important source of portable power. Almost every home now has a device that uses a lithium-ion battery as its power source. As different types of people use these batteries, some people have questions about how these lithium-ion batteries work.

The most popular topic of discussion about these batteries is about their charging. There are many aspects to discussing charging methods for Li-ion batteries. Below we will explain some truths about lithium-ion battery charging!

Is it OK to let the Li-ion battery drain before charging?

The lithium-ion technology of batteries has its own advantages and disadvantages. One of the biggest drawbacks is that these batteries have no charge memory. There is a charging memory in the old version of the battery and you can completely drain the battery before charging it again.

In Li-ion batteries, it is not a good practice to drain the battery completely before charging. Here are some reasons why you shouldn’t:

battery charge cycle

When you completely drain the battery, it means you are using a full battery charge cycle. Li-ion batteries are designed to have an estimated number of charge cycles. As the number of charge cycles approaches the limit, the battery starts to lose mass.

It is better practice to use the battery to meet the requirements and then charge it again. In this case, you will not be able to fully utilize one charge cycle of the battery. This not only preserves the quality of the Li-ion battery, but also extends the life of the battery.

battery protection circuit

Most lithium-ion batteries are made for smart products, which have built-in battery protection circuits. These circuits won’t let you completely drain the battery when you’re on it. They cut power to the battery after the limit. In this way, the battery is prevented from being completely drained.

But in some devices, there is no charging protection circuit. In these devices, the battery is at risk of being completely discharged. Fully discharging the battery can also cause the battery to lose its quality and life. In the worst case, an overdischarged battery could explode.

Reduce battery quality

A fully drained battery means that you are using the battery’s full charge cycle. This allows the battery to reach higher temperatures. Both of these things are bad for the battery because they cause the battery to lose its quality of power.


Thanks for reading, hope it helps!

Friendly reminder: If you need to replace the battery, this battery store will be your good choice:www.batteryforpc.co.uk