What you need to know: 4 behaviors that destroy your smartphone battery

 There is a lot of information on what to do with your smartphone battery. We can argue about best practices, but there are some obvious bad things that can quickly ruin a battery. Knowing ahead of time and avoiding these actions will be good for your battery!

It’s inevitable that smartphone batteries will get worse over time. There are systems that slow it down as much as possible, but there are things that speed up the process and even skip right to the end of it. Let’s take a look at what actions will destroy your phone battery!

Use cheap or damaged cables

One of the worst and most dangerous things you can do is use a cheap or incompatible cable on your phone. If you’ve ever heard a story about a phone catching fire, it’s usually a faulty cable. It’s best to stick to charging accessories from the phone manufacturer or a trusted brand. Avoid super cheap accessories that don’t have many reviews. iPhone users can look for the “Made for iPhone” label for safety. All of this also applies to wireless chargers.

run it to zero

Charge cycles are the biggest factor affecting battery life. The constant cycle of charging and discharging slowly degrades the health of the battery. Worse yet, when your phone is constantly looping from 0%. It’s best to keep your phone’s battery as low as possible between 20-80%. Some phones have features to help you do this. Shorter charge cycles are better for the battery, so try not to get it below 20%.

stay plugged in

It’s also going in the opposite direction. Keeping your phone at 100% power all the time is as bad as letting it go to 0%. Charging your phone overnight isn’t necessarily a bad thing, but you shouldn’t charge it more than you need.

When the battery reaches 100%, it will protect itself by stopping charging. However, once it drops back to 99%, it will charge back to 100% again. This little cycle repeats over and over and is bad for the battery.

The good news is that iPhones and some Android phones now feature “adaptive” or “optimized” charging that can reduce those charging cycles overnight. They keep the battery around 80% for most of the night, then finish the last 20% around your usual wake-up time.

subject to extreme heat

Most electronics don’t like heat. This is especially true for batteries, including those in cell phones. Overheating can shorten battery life. That’s another reason why leaving your phone plugged in all the time isn’t great.

Heat can also come from other sources. Play resource-intensive games, leave your phone in a hot car, or let it bask on the beach. All of these things can overheat your phone and damage the battery in the process.

The good news is that you probably don’t have to worry about damaging your smartphone’s battery. Most of this stuff is common sense. Stick with good charging accessories, don’t over-vent or juice, and keep your device at a comfortable temperature. You’ll get the most out of your battery.

>>>>>>>>>>>Phone battery

Thanks for reading, hope it helps!

Friendly reminder: If you need to replace the battery of your phone, this battery store will be a good choice: www.batteryforpc.co.uk