What Effect Does Phone Temperature Have on Performance?

Yourphone works best at certain internal and external temperatures. Find out howtemperature can affect your phone’s performance.

Many cell phone users don’t realize thattemperature has a profound effect on how well their Android works. Both heat
waves and cold snaps can negatively influence battery life and/or cell phone
performance. Also, temperature threats aren’t always external. Ever notice that
your phone gets hot when you are trying to run too many tasks at once? That
could mean it’s overheating! To prevent this, you need to act at once, or the
effects could cause long-lasting or permanent damage
This feature targets the apps that are causing
your phone to heat up. By closing them, the CPU Cooler quickly lowers the
internal temperature so the system can run at its optimal capacity and so your
battery isn’t affected. To find out more about how hot and cold temperatures
can affect your Android, keep on reading.
Phone batteries are safest if they’rekept at around 68°F to 86°F. Most Androids have one of two battery types: a
Lithium-ion battery or a Lithium-Polymer battery. As it turns out, higher heats
especially affect Lithium-ions batteries. These batteries tend to encounter a
problem called “thermal runaway.”
The simplistic explanation of thermal
runaway is that internal heating prompts even more temperature rises within your
Android, which ultimately leads the device to overheat. If pressure builds up
inside the battery, the battery could then swell, release toxic chemicals, or
even explode. To prevent these damaging effects, you should keep your phone out
of direct sunlight. Also, don’t leave it in a parked car during summer, and
never use your phone near a strong heat source, like the stove burner or a
space heater.
Despite being more resistant to chillytemperatures, your Android is also at risk during winter’s coldest months. Of
course, if you live in Florida or California, you can skip right over this
information. But for everyone in the Northern U.S., these details could be
useful to you. Once again, Lithium-ion batteries are more vulnerable than
Lithium-Polymer batteries. Extreme cold can cause sudden battery drain and even
lead a phone to shut off completely. If you’re really unlucky, battery
chemicals can begin to emit discharge, and some can even freeze. So, be sure to
keep your Android away from winter’s freezing touch!

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