Samsung Galaxy Note 9 Explodes In A Handbag

Samsung Galaxy Note 9 Reportedly Explodes In Women’s Handbag

Aside from the brand new Apple iPhones, the Samsung Galaxy Note 9 is arguably one of the most desired phones currently on the market. With it releasing such a short time ago the early reaction to it has been quite positive. It seems, however, that a few ghosts (thought put to rest) might be rearing their head again for Samsung.
In a report via CNET, a woman owner has reported that her phone literally exploded whilst in her handbag.

What Happened?

The woman from America has issued a lawsuit against Samsung. In it, she claims that she noticed that the phone started to get unusually hot, but clearly didn’t think too much about it and put it in her handbag. Shortly afterwards though she says that she heard a ‘whistling sound’ and eventually smoke began to erupt.
She tipped her handbag onto the floor and the phone wasn’t extinguished until a person placed it in a bucket of water.
This is, however, all very nightmarish for Samsung who, you might remember, had major problems with the batteries in their Note 7 models.

What Has Samsung Said?

In a statement DJ Koh, head of Samsung’s mobile business has said: “The battery in the Galaxy Note 9 is safer than ever. Users do not have to worry about the batteries anymore. Samsung takes customer safety very seriously. And we stand behind the quality of the millions of Galaxy devices in use in the United States. We have not received any reports of similar incidents involving a Galaxy Note 9 device. And we are investigating the matter.”
Given the volatility of lithium-ion batteries, it is possible that this was an isolated incident. It is equally possible that the battery may have been damaged. Dare I say, due to an error on the part of the owner. Hopefully, this will be an isolated incident.
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