Samsung could soon launch a phone with a truly all-screen front

Thanks to an in-screen camera

One of the main thingsthat smartphone makers seem to be working towards at the moment is anall-screen design on their phones. By that we mean a front with no notch, bezel
or punch-hole camera, and ideally no pop-up camera either, and it’s a goal that
Samsung has reportedly reconfirmed that it’s aiming for.
According to MyDrivers, South Korean
media reported that Samsung is working on a “perfect full screen”, one which
could be achieved by building the camera into the screen invisibly, much like
an in-screen fingerprint scanner.
could allow for a 100% screen-to-body ratio, without relying on a pop-up
camera, which is less desirable as the pop-up mechanism could be more
susceptible to damage.
not the first time we’ve heard of an in-screen camera and
with Samsung recently moving to a punch-hole camera on the likes of the Galaxy S10 it’s a tech
that the company seemed to be gradually moving towards anyway, but it’s still
good to hear Samsung reconfirm that this is the goal.
However, the company
gave no word on when exactly we might see this, which means it’s probably not
going to happen before 2020 at the earliest. Though if it were to debut in 2019
then the Samsung Galaxy Note 10 would
be an obvious candidate for it.
it might not be a feature you’ll want in its first version anyway, as it’s
unlikely to be perfected initially, much in the way that in-screen fingerprint
scanners are currently often slower than traditional ones. Still, along with
folding phones, truly all-screen ones could be one of the next big things.