Twitter will now let you add photos, videos, or GIFs to retweets

Available starting today on iOS, Android, and mobile browsers

Beginning today, Twitter users can add images,
videos, and GIFs to their retweets / quoted tweets. The company is rolling out
this new feature across Android, iOS, and Twitter’s mobile website; it’s not on
desktop quite yet, however. Adding media to a retweet works just like you’d
expect: tap the “retweet with comment” option and then choose the image or GIF
icon in the toolbar.
This is a small addition to the service, but
Twitter says it was actually quite difficult to design in a way that made sense
and wasn’t overwhelming when viewed in the timeline. “We found it was
challenging for people to quickly understand all the content in a Retweet with
media. This was due to the layout; two large tweets stacked on top of each
other,” a spokesperson said. To solve for that, Twitter puts the original tweet
in a smaller, indented box (with the user’s avatar still visible), and it makes
your own media full width.
Twitter notes that some brands and creators arealready using the new functionality on day one. Again, if you’re seeing this on
a desktop browser, it’s not going to look quite right. Hopefully Twitter will
fix that before long.