The pros and cons of lithium-ion polymer batteries you need to know

 Lithium polymer batteries are rechargeable and use polymer electrolytes as an alternative to liquid electrolytes. These lithium-ion batteries provide higher energy compared to other types of lithium batteries. In addition, Lipo batteries offer manufacturers a wide range of advantages, so a variety of shapes can be produced. They are used in serious applications requiring weight, including mobile phones, computers and radio-controlled aircraft. Lithium batteries have pros and cons, and there are some features to check before choosing a good battery. Let’s take a look below!

What are the advantages of lithium-ion polymer batteries?

Energy Density

Lithium-ion has twice the energy density of standard batteries. Additionally, the Lipo offers 3.6v, which is three times more than other rechargeable batteries like NiMH and NiCd. As a result, batteries are able to deliver higher currents for critical applications.

lack of memory effect

The memory effect is the process by which repeated charge or discharge cycles cause a battery to decrease in capacity. Li-ion polymers have no memory effect, which is a common effect in Ni-MH and Ni-Cd technologies.

low discharge rate

Lithium-ion batteries have an average discharge rate of about 1.5% to 2% per month. Additionally, they do not contain toxic cadmium; therefore, they are easy to handle.


Many attempts have been made to manufacture rechargeable lithium batteries. This is because lithium metal is not stable during charging. To this end, research has shifted from metallic lithium batteries to non-metallic lithium batteries using lithium ions. Although lithium ion has a lower energy density compared to lithium metal, it is safe. Add safety measures by following precautions when charging or discharging.

low maintenance

Lithium-ion batteries require less maintenance than other batteries. Therefore, they do not need loops to maintain their life cycle.

What are the disadvantages of lithium-ion polymer batteries?


While lithium-ion technology is superior, it also has drawbacks. Batteries can overheat and therefore be damaged under high pressure. This problem can lead to burning and thermal runaway.

Security Mechanism

Lithium ions require safety mechanisms to reduce internal pressure and voltage. These issues tend to reduce performance and add weight.


Lithium ions are fragile and require protection circuits for added safe operation. The built-in protection circuit does not allow the battery voltage to drop during discharge. Most battery packs limit the maximum charge current and discharge to 1C and 2C. Eliminate lithium plating by following precautions such as monitoring temperature.


Aging is a serious problem, and lithium-ion batteries age. That means the battery could fail within two to three years. However, other technologies also suffer from this problem. For example, nickel metal hydride ages rapidly when exposed to extreme temperatures. Store batteries in a cool, dry place to limit the aging process. The recommended temperature is 15 degrees Celsius. Also, charge the battery to 40% during storage.


Lithium-ion batteries have massive shipment restrictions and are therefore under control. However, this limitation does not apply to personal batteries. This applies to international and domestic shipments by sea, land and air. Also, the lithium content depends on the number and capacity of cells in each battery pack. Any lithium content above 1.5 to 8 grams per battery is classified as a hazardous material.

expensive to make

Lithium-ion polymer batteries are expensive to manufacture, about 40 percent higher than nickel-cadmium batteries.

How to choose a high-quality lithium-ion polymer battery?

The following characteristics should be considered when selecting a high-quality lithium-ion polymer battery:


The capacity of the battery is displayed in ampere hours. It can be increased by connecting batteries in parallel. Multiply the voltage by the capacity to get the amount of electricity stored in kilowatt-hours.


The correct size of the battery is calculated by calculating the daily consumption and dividing by the current voltage. You can get the minimum power by dividing the result by 0.5.


Battery voltage is displayed in volts (V). The normal voltage is 3.6V/cell, and other manufacturers produce 3.70V/cell. For this reason, they gain a market advantage because high voltages add watt-hours.

Lithium-ion batteries have become the most promising and fastest growing batteries on the market. Today, such batteries are gaining acceptance from buyers. It also provides a huge electrochemical potential and gravimetric energy density. It is a safe battery and low maintenance.


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Friendly reminder: If you need to replace the battery of your device, this battery store will be a good choice:

How to Store Li-Ion Batteries

 All these types of batteries are used in different electronic devices and the active material used depends on which portable device it is used for. These batteries have a lifespan of 2 to 3 years, but there are ways to extend their lifespan, as listed below. When you store your batteries for a period of time without using your device, take some simple precautions. Below we’ll show you how to store them, so let’s take a look!

How to store lithium-ion batteries when not in use:

Storing lithium-ion batteries is a very simple but very important process if you want to extend the life of your lithium-ion batteries. If you don’t follow its simple instructions for storage, within 2 to 3 years, your battery will be lost and you’ll have to buy a new one.

First, it is very important that when the device is not in use for a long time, the battery should be removed from the device and stored separately. So the question is: how to store it separately? These two factors should be kept in mind when storing these batteries. One is the temperature at which they are stored. The second is when storing, should it be charged or discharged?

The first question is about the storage temperature, it can’t be too hot or too cold or the battery won’t work when needed. The thermostat will prove to be your best friend in this matter. Also keep in mind that the storage location should not get wet in any way, which will also damage your battery. Avoid storing it in direct sunlight as it can get too hot and could damage your battery or even burst and catch fire. These fires can be serious and can cause serious damage even if a mobile battery catches fire in the wrong place. The ideal temperature for its storage will be up to 60 degrees Fahrenheit.

For the second question, they shouldn’t drain completely when stored. The reason is that lithium-ion batteries leak or degrade on their own when not in use for a period of time, and when the battery dies, it may not be rechargeable.

Should Lithium-Ion Batteries be Stored in the Refrigerator:

As mentioned earlier, a constant temperature is best for battery health when in storage, but it can go up to 60 degrees Fahrenheit. Therefore, storing it in the refrigerator may be the best option, as its normal temperature is between 34 and 38 degrees Fahrenheit. But lithium-ion batteries have to be stored there in a way that they won’t get wet, because the environment there is very humid. Therefore, it is important to store the battery in an airtight plastic bag. It is also very important to charge the battery to at least 40% before storing it in the refrigerator.

Another important thing is how will you use the battery when you take it out? Will you put it directly in the device? You shouldn’t do that. Let it come to room temperature first, then put it in the device and use it. This procedure should also be followed when performing charge and discharge cycles every one or two months.

How long can lithium-ion batteries be stored?

Even on the shelf, lithium-ion batteries have an average lifespan of 2 to 3 years. So if you’re storing it thinking it’ll last longer, you’re probably wrong, so you’d better use them for as long as possible.

Most of the time, the reason is the shelf life of the batter. If it’s been in a warehouse or retailer’s store for about a year or two, it will only last a few months or a year with you. Before you buy a battery, it’s important to check or ask for its manufacturing date so you can get a long-lasting battery.

It is very important that when your battery is in storage, take it out every 2 months, charge it and use it for a while. It will increase its life and prevent it from taking damage.

These are simple things you need to follow when storing your lithium-ion battery, such as where it is stored, its temperature, and the process of charging and using it every month or two.


Thanks for reading, hope it helps!

Friendly reminder: If you need to replace the battery of your device, this battery store will be a good choice:

How to wake up a dormant Li-Ion battery – method

 Lithium-ion batteries are rechargeable batteries that are ideal for most electronic devices such as smartphones and laptops. The battery contains a protection circuit module. The protection circuit samples the voltage in the lithium-ion battery and outputs the same sampled voltage. This protection protects the battery from abuse and can be turned on and off. It is also activated when the battery is over-discharged, rendering it unusable. This happens because the protection circuit is designed to detect the battery voltage and cut off the lithium battery if the voltage falls below a specified voltage. When this happens, the battery goes into sleep mode. Let’s look at ways to wake up a Li-Ion battery that is dormant, whether it can be overcharged, and its life cycle. Let’s have a look!

How do I wake up a Li-Ion battery from sleep mode?

When the Li-Ion battery is insufficiently charged, it enters sleep mode. This can be a cause for concern, as most people consider such batteries useless and throw them away, as chargers often render them unusable. However, sleep mode should not be a cause for concern, as some analyzers and chargers have boost and wake-up functions to reactivate such batteries. The boost activates the protection circuit by applying a small charging voltage. When the correct battery voltage is applied, the charger can charge normally.

Let’s look at ways to wake up a sleeping battery.

Step 1: Read the voltage.

First, you need to confirm whether your lithium-ion battery has any remaining power. First power off the electronics and remove the battery. Using a voltmeter, read the voltage to check if the battery has any juice. When doing this, keep in mind that different manufacturers cause the battery to go into sleep mode at different voltage levels. So it’s best to be familiar with your battery capacity to be able to wake it up.

Step 2: Connect the charger.

Using a suitable charger, connect the battery for a few minutes while watching for any signs of damage and healing. Use a charger with a “boost” or “wake up” function. Keep in mind that boosting Li-Ion batteries with voltages of 1.5 and below is not recommended. This is because a battery that is undercharged for a long time can develop a copper shunt that can cause an electrical short. These shorts often cause the battery to overheat and possibly explode.

Step 3: Read the voltage again.

Check the voltage with a voltmeter. A higher reading than before means the boost is working, the same voltage means the process was unsuccessful and you should consider buying a new battery. Make sure you check your charger manual to see when the process is complete.

Step 4: Charge and discharge the battery.

If the boost works, you can now connect the Li-Ion battery to the charger and fully charge it.

Step 5: Freeze the battery.

In an airtight bag free of moisture, freeze the battery fully charged for a full day, then allow the battery to cool until it returns to its original room temperature.

Step 6: Charge the battery.

Connect the battery to the charging system and fully charge it.

Can Li-ion batteries be overcharged?

It may damage the battery and even cause harm to the user’s health. Lithium-ion batteries can accept partial charges, so overcharging is impossible. Protection circuits in these batteries prevent the flow of ions by suppressing overvoltage when temperatures get too high.

The battery management system in most lithium-ion battery packs also makes overcharging impossible. An internal circuit monitors the state of charge of the battery and cuts off the current when the limit is reached. If your Li-ion battery is overcharged, the charging system is mostly defective.

How long can an unused Li-Ion battery last?

Batteries in the product or in storage should not be left idle for long periods of time. If the battery has been unused for six months, check the battery status and charge it appropriately or discard it. Lithium-ion batteries have an estimated lifespan of mostly 2 to 3 years or 300 to 500 charge cycles. That is, from it being fully charged to fully discharged and fully charged. Since rechargeable lithium-ion batteries have a limited life cycle, they will gradually lose their ability to hold a charge, and most of the time you will need to replace the battery. All in all, the life of an unused battery will depend on how it is stored and external factors.


Thanks for reading, hope it helps!

Friendly reminder: If you need to replace the battery, this battery store will be a good choice:

How to charge and restore a dead Li-ion battery?

 Lithium-ion batteries are very useful in today’s electronic world. We use them at home, at work, at school, on portable devices, and many other places. Sometimes the battery can be restored if it is not charging or operating as needed. Here’s what you need to know about why lithium-ion batteries suddenly become unresponsive and how to restore them. Let’s have a look!

1. Can you revive a dead lithium-ion battery?

Yes. Lithium batteries are susceptible to issues that can cause them to be unresponsive to charging or discharging. To understand how to restore a depleted lithium-ion battery, you must understand how it works and its unique features.

How Lithium-Ion Batteries Work

“Lithium ion battery” refers to many types of batteries that rely on lithium ions to work. Their common feature is that they rely on anodes made of lithium compounds.

During charging, positively charged lithium ions move across the electrolyte to the cathode (negative electrode), and negatively charged ions are released from the cathode and move the anode. The opposite happens when discharging, the lithium ions move towards the anode. The problem is that if the battery is discharged for too long, the electrodes will over strip the ions.

If after this state of discharge, you try to charge the battery, the electrodes will reconstitute. This process is very irregular and can easily cause short circuits, fires and explosions. To prevent this, Li-Ion batteries are equipped with a battery management system (BMS) that measures the health of the battery based on the battery voltage.

What Causes a Dead Battery, Hibernates, or Bricks

If the BMS detects that the battery voltage is below a predetermined level, it will not charge it for safety reasons. That’s why even if you plug it in, it won’t charge and also shows the faulty battery indicator LED.

In most cases, this is what causes the battery to sleep. This battery can be recovered in the following situations:

● Not lower than the nominal voltage. For a 3.2 or 4V battery pack, this is usually 1.5V.

● Less than one week below the nominal voltage.

●No signs of physical damage.

While you can restore this type of battery to its operating state, be aware that the process can be dangerous. However, if you still want to restore it yourself, there are some tricks you can use.

How to charge a completely dead battery?

There are two ways to rejuvenate a depleted lithium-ion battery. The first involves its original charger or other approved model, while the second consists of another battery of similar voltage and capacity.

Restoring a Depleted Li-Ion Battery Using a Boost Charger

If the battery comes with a separate AC charger or cradle, check with the manufacturer that it has a “boost” function.

This is the function of the charger to check the battery to see if it is higher than the nominal voltage. If not, it applies the appropriate voltage to bring it back to acceptable levels. Different manufacturers have incorporated various features into these chargers. They usually display lights to show if the battery is charging. For some, you may need to manually switch between “normal” and “accelerated” charging. If the charger has an auto boost mode, let the battery charge halfway, discharge, and then charge normally.

Use another battery to restore a depleted Li-Ion battery

You can also use a similar rechargeable battery to “start” a dead battery. Here’s what you should do:

● Look for similar batteries with matching voltages and nearly similar charge capacities.

● Make sure the other battery is fully charged. It should have higher voltage.

●Connect the two batteries with a cable. The two positive terminals should match, the same as the negative terminals.

●Let them sit for 5-10 minutes, then disconnect the cables.

● Check that the previously drained battery is now higher than the minimum voltage, and then charge it as usual.

What happens here is that when the cells are equalized charging, the higher voltage cell directly boosts the lower voltage cell. If the voltage is higher than the minimum value, it can be charged normally with the charger.

3. How to extend the service life of lithium-ion batteries?

Lithium batteries degrade over time, just like all other types of batteries. However, this process can be slowed down by taking some precautions.

● Avoid deep charge cycles. Deep charging will drain their life cycle faster, while replenishing them from 50% power helps improve it.

●Keep low temperature. Lithium batteries love the cold, if your device lacks thermal protection, make sure to cool it down regularly.

●It is fully charged from time to time. This means that you drain the battery completely and then use the recommended charger to fully charge it.

● Track the expiration date. Even if a lithium battery is not used, it will still degrade over time because lithium ion batteries have a limited lifespan.


Thanks for reading, hope it helps!

Friendly reminder: If you need to replace the battery, this battery store will be a good choice:

Lithium-ion battery solutions and lithium-ion battery selection

 Lithium-ion batteries are rechargeable batteries commonly used in portable electronics. In a lithium-ion battery, lithium ions move from the positive electrode to the negative electrode during discharge and vice versa during charging. The positive electrode is made of intercalated lithium compounds, while the negative electrode is usually made of graphite. The two electrodes are separated by a thin layer of microporous plastic that prevents the two electrodes from touching each other.

Why do lithium-ion batteries explode?

Most explosions related to lithium-ion battery fires and explosions are caused by short circuit problems.

Some possible reasons for a separator to fail are:

Factory defect: The battery is poorly designed in this case. In some lithium-ion battery models, when the battery expands while charging, the electrodes tend to bend and cause a short circuit. Without quality control, even a well-designed battery can fail.

External factors: When lithium-ion batteries are placed too close to extreme heat, they tend to fail. Lithium-ion batteries will always explode if they are too close to a heat source or catch fire. Other external factors that can cause a battery to fail include dropping the phone too hard, which can damage the separator and cause the electrodes to come into contact. If you also pierce the battery, either intentionally or unintentionally, you have the potential to cause a short circuit.

Charger Issues: Chargers that are not properly insulated and poorly manufactured can damage Li-Ion batteries. If the charger generates heat near the battery, it can cause a lot of damage and cause it to malfunction.

Thermal runaway and multiple batteries: This is a typical battery with multiple batteries. Only one battery cell needs to fail for the entire battery to operate. Once a battery overheats, it causes an effect called thermal runaway.

Despite the aforementioned failures associated with lithium-ion batteries, it is still considered a safe and mature technology. Solutions for lithium-ion battery failures and explosions include:

1. Avoid exposing the battery to high temperature, such as placing the battery in a high temperature environment.

2. Avoid putting all devices that contain lithium-ion batteries together.

3. Avoid overcharging.

Can an uncharged lithium-ion battery explode?

Lithium is a reactive element that oxidizes when in contact with air, and reacts explosively when in contact with water. Uncharged lithium-ion batteries can explode because most of the materials in the battery are still highly flammable. It may not necessarily explode, but it can be quite unsafe in a fire.

How to prevent lithium-ion batteries from exploding?

Most cell phones, laptops, and several other electronic devices are powered by lithium-ion batteries. These batteries are generally very safe, but there is a risk of fire or explosion if not handled properly. The following steps can be taken to avoid battery explosion:

1. Buy your electronics from a reputable supplier with an excellent track record in safety and health.

2. Electronic devices usually come with a set of instruction manuals that explain how to use your device safely. These instructions can help you reduce your life-threatening risk of fire and explosion.

3. Always use the charger that came with the device. But in case you misplaced it, it is recommended that you buy a replacement recommended by the device manufacturer. Just because a charger fits your device doesn’t mean it’s safe to work. Using the wrong charger is one of the main reasons why lithium-ion batteries explode.

4. Electronic equipment should be kept away from extreme heat and cold. See extreme temperatures from the radiator or car dashboard on a sunny day. Placing your device in these places could cause an explosion.

5. Keep the equipment clean, dry and away from water.

6. Unplug your device when fully charged. Turn off the device when not in use.

7. Lithium-ion batteries should only be transported in specially designed containers. Batteries should be kept away from metals and other batteries. Lithium-ion batteries can explode when placed in pockets or handbags, and when bumped against coins and keys.

8. Modifying your equipment is dangerous and greatly increases the risk of explosion. Even experts can get hurt when tinkering.

How to choose a good quality lithium-ion battery

When choosing a battery, the following characteristics should be considered:

1. Battery capacity is measured in milliamp hours (mAh).

2. Battery voltage

3. Charge rate. The speed at which the battery can be safely charged.

4. The operating temperature range in which the battery can be used.

5. Service life.


Thanks for reading, hope it helps!

Friendly reminder: If you need to replace the battery, this battery store will be a good choice: