How to Be a Charming Girl

Charm is a powerful quality that every personwould like to have, and is the quality of being attractive in either demeanoror appearance. If you think you aren’t charming enough, read on for easy steps
on how to improve yourself.



Physical Charm

Have good hygiene. A dirty person is not attractive.  Make sure to shower or bathe
daily, making sure to thoroughly cleanse your body with body wash or soap from
shoulders to feet. Wash your neck to if you think having a clean neck will make
you charming. Brush your teeth at least twice daily and
for at least two minutes.  Make sure to always wear clean clothes and
apply deodorant if necessary.
Care for your skin.  Always
wash your face in the morning.  You can either do this by splashing it
with cool water and gently patting it damp, or taking a face cloth, soaking it
in warm water, and gently wiping your face clean.  Use a facial cleanser
if necessary.  Make sure to always apply moisturizing facial lotion after
washing your face. Also apply moisturizing body lotion to your body after
showering or bathing.
Have perfectteeth. Get braces if your teeth are
crooked.  Even slightly crooked.  Perfectly straight teeth are very
appealing and charming according to some.  Brush your teeth two
to three times a day, using a whitening toothpaste and optional, a
high-quality, electrical toothbrush. Brush for 2-3 minutes. Floss once at night
and use mouthwash if necessary, this is essential to being charming.
Have healthy, shiny hair. Leave your hair medium or long lengthen, or short. Hair lengths have
little to no bearing on how charming anyone is. Wash your hair with a
shampoo that works well with your hair.  Make sure to massage your scalp
when you lather the shampoo in and rinse thoroughly.  Use conditioner on your hair from the
bottom of the neck, down.  Using conditioner on your roots will make your
hair flat and greasy.  Wash your hair every other day to every 3 days.
 Style it different everyday and try out different hairstyles and
haircuts.  Make sure to brush your hair in the morning and rid it of all
tangles and knots.  Don’t use heat on your hair or dye your hair too
Have a healthy body.  Cut down on all the junk foods you eat and replace them with
whole, healthy foods.  Make sure to get your daily dose of protein such as
chicken, fish, tofu, nuts, etc. Also stack up on the fruits and vegetables.
 Exercise daily for 30 minutes to an hour.  Drink lots of water and
get at least 7 hours of sleep a night.
Have a good fashion sense.  Experiment with different clothes and wear appealing,
flattering clothes that are comfortable and that fit.  They cannot be too
tight nor too baggy.  Slightly loose clothes are fine, though.
 Sometimes just wear casual clothes like sweatpants and an oversized
t-shirt.  Make sure your clothes are charming.
Apply light makeup, optional. Makeup can really help spark up your creativity and make you look
even more glamorous than you already are and make your beautiful features pop.
A little bit of brown mascara (clump-free), neutral eyeshadow, concealer that
matches your skin tone, powder, and lip gloss or balm is fine.



Personality Charm

Smile. Smiling is physical, but anyonecan smile at any time.  Smiling will make people around you (including
yourself), feel more happy and bright.  Someone who smiles all the time is
really attractive.  Smiling will make you seem approachable. Whenever you
see someone (even if you don’t know them very well or at all), shine a big
smile at them, chances are they’ll smile back.
Be humble. Don’t try to show off too much or boast.  Having pride, dignity,
and confidence is definitely a must, but don’t overdo it and let someone else
have the spotlight on them every once in a while.  Try not to be too
overly loud or annoying. This may seem attractive to the people who act this
way, but it really is not.
Be kind. Kindness
is a must! Always give compliments to everyone you know, maybe even
strangers.Always offer to do favors for people and help others whenever you
can. Treat others the way you would like to be treated.  Unfortunately,
nowadays many people are rude and ignorant, so don’t be like that.
Be positive. Always smile, always laugh, and always seem happy.  Of course,
you don’t have to be 24/7, because we are all human and we all cry and frown,
but don’t let it show.  Try to have a good temper and think of the good
Be brave. Bravery is also important. Be willing to meet new people and speak
for yourself. Don’t let anyone tell you can’t do something.  As corny as
it sounds, if you believe you can do it, you can.  Don’t think, act, is a
good motto.
Be a good friend. Whenever a friend needs something, offer to help them achieve it.
 Always be there for the people you love.  Friends are people who
will help you get through rough times, and that will always support you,
Be confident. Be confident in everything you do, sit or stand up straight, take a
deep breath, and believe you can do it.  Don’t let others push you off
your throne. You own yourself, so you can do whatever you want. Always be
happy, healthy, and confident, of course, charming.