How to charge and restore a dead Li-ion battery?

 Lithium-ion batteries are very useful in today’s electronic world. We use them at home, at work, at school, on portable devices, and many other places. Sometimes the battery can be restored if it is not charging or operating as needed. Here’s what you need to know about why lithium-ion batteries suddenly become unresponsive and how to restore them. Let’s have a look!

1. Can you revive a dead lithium-ion battery?

Yes. Lithium batteries are susceptible to issues that can cause them to be unresponsive to charging or discharging. To understand how to restore a depleted lithium-ion battery, you must understand how it works and its unique features.

How Lithium-Ion Batteries Work

“Lithium ion battery” refers to many types of batteries that rely on lithium ions to work. Their common feature is that they rely on anodes made of lithium compounds.

During charging, positively charged lithium ions move across the electrolyte to the cathode (negative electrode), and negatively charged ions are released from the cathode and move the anode. The opposite happens when discharging, the lithium ions move towards the anode. The problem is that if the battery is discharged for too long, the electrodes will over strip the ions.

If after this state of discharge, you try to charge the battery, the electrodes will reconstitute. This process is very irregular and can easily cause short circuits, fires and explosions. To prevent this, Li-Ion batteries are equipped with a battery management system (BMS) that measures the health of the battery based on the battery voltage.

What Causes a Dead Battery, Hibernates, or Bricks

If the BMS detects that the battery voltage is below a predetermined level, it will not charge it for safety reasons. That’s why even if you plug it in, it won’t charge and also shows the faulty battery indicator LED.

In most cases, this is what causes the battery to sleep. This battery can be recovered in the following situations:

● Not lower than the nominal voltage. For a 3.2 or 4V battery pack, this is usually 1.5V.

● Less than one week below the nominal voltage.

●No signs of physical damage.

While you can restore this type of battery to its operating state, be aware that the process can be dangerous. However, if you still want to restore it yourself, there are some tricks you can use.

How to charge a completely dead battery?

There are two ways to rejuvenate a depleted lithium-ion battery. The first involves its original charger or other approved model, while the second consists of another battery of similar voltage and capacity.

Restoring a Depleted Li-Ion Battery Using a Boost Charger

If the battery comes with a separate AC charger or cradle, check with the manufacturer that it has a “boost” function.

This is the function of the charger to check the battery to see if it is higher than the nominal voltage. If not, it applies the appropriate voltage to bring it back to acceptable levels. Different manufacturers have incorporated various features into these chargers. They usually display lights to show if the battery is charging. For some, you may need to manually switch between “normal” and “accelerated” charging. If the charger has an auto boost mode, let the battery charge halfway, discharge, and then charge normally.

Use another battery to restore a depleted Li-Ion battery

You can also use a similar rechargeable battery to “start” a dead battery. Here’s what you should do:

● Look for similar batteries with matching voltages and nearly similar charge capacities.

● Make sure the other battery is fully charged. It should have higher voltage.

●Connect the two batteries with a cable. The two positive terminals should match, the same as the negative terminals.

●Let them sit for 5-10 minutes, then disconnect the cables.

● Check that the previously drained battery is now higher than the minimum voltage, and then charge it as usual.

What happens here is that when the cells are equalized charging, the higher voltage cell directly boosts the lower voltage cell. If the voltage is higher than the minimum value, it can be charged normally with the charger.

3. How to extend the service life of lithium-ion batteries?

Lithium batteries degrade over time, just like all other types of batteries. However, this process can be slowed down by taking some precautions.

● Avoid deep charge cycles. Deep charging will drain their life cycle faster, while replenishing them from 50% power helps improve it.

●Keep low temperature. Lithium batteries love the cold, if your device lacks thermal protection, make sure to cool it down regularly.

●It is fully charged from time to time. This means that you drain the battery completely and then use the recommended charger to fully charge it.

● Track the expiration date. Even if a lithium battery is not used, it will still degrade over time because lithium ion batteries have a limited lifespan.


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Friendly reminder: If you need to replace the battery, this battery store will be a good choice:

Fast Battery Chargers and How to Speed ​​Up Your Battery Charger

 People who use electronics today no longer have the patience to wait 3 or 4 hours to fully charge their batteries. That’s why many smartphone and computer manufacturers now use fast-charging-enabled batteries in their devices. We now have smartphones like the Oppo Find X2 Pro (4260mAh) that can fully charge in 39 minutes. To get these devices to charge quickly at this rate, something has to be done.

These include:

Charger: The charger should have the ability to deliver the amount of power needed to charge the battery as quickly as possible. For example, the charger used to charge the Oppo Find X2 Pro has an output of 65W.

Charging Circuit: The circuit of the device charging system should be able to carry the large amount of current sent by the charger to the battery.

Battery: The battery should have low internal resistance to avoid overheating when charging the battery with high current. This means that the maximum continuous discharge current of the battery should be higher than the output current of the charger to avoid overheating the battery

When the battery, charging circuit, and charger all meet the fast-charging requirements, it’s safe to fast-charge your device.

What is a fast battery charger?

A fast battery charger is a charger that can provide maximum power to a battery in the shortest possible time. For example, Apple iPhone 11 models use an 18W adapter for fast charging for the shortest charging time. Using an adapter less than 18W will increase charging time.

If you use an adapter over 18W, the charging time will remain almost the same. This is because the design of the charging circuit allows a maximum of 18W. This is done to prevent the battery from being damaged by more power than it can handle.

When you ask a store or online store to buy a fast battery charger, start by knowing the maximum allowable wattage for your phone or laptop battery. This will help you avoid the expense of buying a charger with an output power much higher than the maximum input power acceptable to your phone’s charging circuit. If the adapter’s wattage (watts) is not stated, look at its output current (A) and voltage (V), and multiply the two to get the output power.

How to speed up the battery charger?

Technically, each charger is designed to have the maximum amount of power it can send to the battery being charged. The best way to increase charging speed is to make sure the adapter is delivering maximum output power to the battery. This can be done by:

Use a good quality USB cable.

The quality of the USB cable you use has a big impact on the power transferred from the adapter to the battery. Poor quality USB cables often have high resistance, which reduces the amount of current reaching the charging circuit. Due to this resistance, a large amount of energy is lost in the form of heat.

Do not charge the device while in use

If you charge the battery while using the device, some of the battery’s charge will be used to run different activities you try to perform on the device. If you want to increase the charging speed even further, you can turn off all wireless connections by enabling Airplane Mode.

Use the adapter only on supported devices

Using a 25W adapter on a device that allows up to 18W does not maximize the adapter’s potential. Before blaming the adapter’s charging speed, make sure the device charging circuit allows the maximum power output of the charger.

Avoid charging in hot environments

Some devices are designed to automatically reduce the charging speed when the battery overheats. So every time you charge your device, make sure to place it in a place that isn’t too hot.

Are there any fast charging apps that work?

There are many Android apps that claim to increase the speed of your phone’s charging. But technically, a software application can’t make an 18W adapter deliver 25W of power. Apps that claim to increase charging speed mainly use these two methods;

1. The mobile phone runs slower: Obviously, if you charge a device with a lot of background operations, the charging speed will be affected. This is because some of the power the battery gets is used to power these background activities. So, if the app can stop all those activities, the charging speed might be slightly improved, but not by a huge amount.

Second, adjust the charging algorithm: The smartphone has a battery charging algorithm in its operating system, which can adjust the charging speed of the battery. That’s why most phones slow down the battery’s charging speed above 50% or 60%. Therefore, some of these apps may adjust this algorithm to bypass the charging speed limit. However, this is dangerous and can have immediate or long-term effects on your battery life.


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Friendly reminder: If you need to buy batteries or chargers, this battery store will be your good

What you need to know about lithium-ion battery charging Mistakes

 In recent years, lithium-ion batteries have become an important source of portable power. Almost every home now has a device that uses a lithium-ion battery as its power source. As different types of people use these batteries, some people have questions about how these lithium-ion batteries work.

The most popular topic of discussion about these batteries is about their charging. There are many aspects to discussing charging methods for Li-ion batteries. Below we will explain some truths about lithium-ion battery charging!

Is it OK to let the Li-ion battery drain before charging?

The lithium-ion technology of batteries has its own advantages and disadvantages. One of the biggest drawbacks is that these batteries have no charge memory. There is a charging memory in the old version of the battery and you can completely drain the battery before charging it again.

In Li-ion batteries, it is not a good practice to drain the battery completely before charging. Here are some reasons why you shouldn’t:

battery charge cycle

When you completely drain the battery, it means you are using a full battery charge cycle. Li-ion batteries are designed to have an estimated number of charge cycles. As the number of charge cycles approaches the limit, the battery starts to lose mass.

It is better practice to use the battery to meet the requirements and then charge it again. In this case, you will not be able to fully utilize one charge cycle of the battery. This not only preserves the quality of the Li-ion battery, but also extends the life of the battery.

battery protection circuit

Most lithium-ion batteries are made for smart products, which have built-in battery protection circuits. These circuits won’t let you completely drain the battery when you’re on it. They cut power to the battery after the limit. In this way, the battery is prevented from being completely drained.

But in some devices, there is no charging protection circuit. In these devices, the battery is at risk of being completely discharged. Fully discharging the battery can also cause the battery to lose its quality and life. In the worst case, an overdischarged battery could explode.

Reduce battery quality

A fully drained battery means that you are using the battery’s full charge cycle. This allows the battery to reach higher temperatures. Both of these things are bad for the battery because they cause the battery to lose its quality of power.


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Friendly reminder: If you need to replace the battery, this battery store will be your good

How to Manually Charge Your Laptop Battery Without an Adapter

 Laptops are a very important thing in today’s smooth work. However, this mobility can sometimes be a problem because people often forget to carry the charger with them. Charging the battery can sometimes be a challenge in itself, considering that the battery eventually dies. While carrying multiple batteries is a valid option, the fact remains that it is not feasible for all users. To overcome this challenge, all you need to do is learn how to manually charge your laptop battery.

Most high-tech devices are built to eliminate charging ranges without original chargers. However, some technical knowledge can definitely help you charge the battery smoothly. Let’s take a look together!

How to charge laptop battery without adapter?

There are a number of ways to charge a laptop without an adapter, two of which are detailed here.

The first method is to charge the laptop with the help of a USB cable. We all know that laptops have USB ports, but these ports cannot be used to plug in a power source, only to pull it out. It’s worth noting that most laptops have Type B and Type C ports, even though Type A ports are not available. While Type-A ports receive power, Type B ports and Type C ports are innovations introduced to help us. These types of ports also bring power inside, which can help us get rid of the problem of our laptop charging without a charging adapter.

First check if your laptop has a USB port Type C and you are all set to use this alternative.

The second method is that an external battery charger can be an important alternative solution as it also allows you to charge your device without the original charger. This charger doesn’t connect directly to the laptop, so some additional steps are required to continue. To use this as a method requires removing the battery from the port and connecting it to an external charger. This charger, in turn, will be connected to an external power source. Once the battery is fully charged, you can remove the charger and install it on the laptop for smooth work.

Is there any other way to charge the laptop?

Other ways to charge laptop batteries are Ultra Laptop Batteries and Solar Charging Kits.

You can choose to buy a super laptop battery and replace it with a regular battery to extend battery life in severe situations where you don’t have a charger at your disposal. The battery gives you up to 7 hours of backup battery life. This type of battery is useful in certain situations when your standard battery is charged using an external charger.

In addition to this, solar kits are also very popular right now. The device is designed to harness electricity through solar panels and does not rely on bulk power sources. These kits convert the heat of the sun into electricity. Modern solar kits are now designed to be smaller, with greater flexibility and efficiency to keep pace with contemporary times. Portable and foldable, this kit can charge all types of laptop batteries.

>>>>>>>>>>>>Laptop’s battery

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Friendly reminder: If you need to replace the battery, this battery store will be a good choice:

How to fix slow charging phone battery

 Have you ever encountered that when your phone starts charging fast, but after a few months, the phone battery charges slowly. Does this make you feel anxious, thinking your phone battery is dead or your phone charger is broken. Then below we will tell you why your phone battery is charging slowly and how to fix it!

Before we can fix the problem of slow charging of the phone, we must first find out what is causing the slow charging. Here are some problems you can try to fix your phone charging slowly:

1. Clean the charging port

If you’ve been using your smartphone for more than a few months, especially in a dusty environment, your phone’s charging port is bound to attract a lot of dust and other elements. The charging port is magnetic, since dust will accumulate in magnetic places – silicon is magnetic and part of dust, and too much dust will make it difficult for current to flow properly into the phone.

Here’s how to clean the charging port:

Get yourself a toothpick or ear swab and gently rub the toothpick or cotton swab into the charging port. Make sure you’re trying to throw the dust out, not push it in. Keep the angle no more than 80°.

You need to redo this over and over again in a few minutes.

After cleaning the port, use a flashlight to check if there is still dust or grime lurking in the charging port. After successfully cleaning the port, plug the phone into the charger and you may see the slow battery charging problem resolved.

2. Restore factory settings

If your phone charged too fast before, but now the fast charge is gone, it may be a problem with your phone software.

A factory reset might just fix the problem and help you with the problem you’re having. However, only try this after you’ve tried all the other methods we’ve mentioned here. Once you factory reset your smartphone, all data will be lost.

3. Check your charger or data cable

If the problem is neither the phone’s charging port nor its software, the problem might be the charger’s output voltage. You can use a special app like Ampere to check the voltage going into your phone. If it is significantly lower than the overall capacity of the advertised charger, the problem may be the charger or the data cable.

A damaged or bent cable can make your phone’s battery charge slowly—especially if you have Apple’s Lighting cable or a Type-B (MicroUSB 2.0) cable.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Phone battery

Thanks for reading, hope it helps!

Friendly reminder: If you need to replace the battery or adapter, this battery store will be a good choice:

How do I know if my battery charger is working and how to fix it!

 Chargers play an important role in all rechargeable devices. They help us launch these gadgets so that we can use them remotely. But they can fail like any other electronic device. We’ll discuss how to use your battery charger, what to do if it doesn’t work, and what’s keeping them from working. Let’s have a look!

How do I use my battery charger?

Connect correctly

One of the most important things you should pay attention to when dealing with a battery charger is the connection. Make sure the battery terminals are connected correctly. If it’s a phone, insert the tip into the charging port. Do not charge with force, otherwise the terminals will be damaged. Once they are damaged, you may need to replace them as they are almost impossible to repair.

Compatible Devices

Battery chargers are only available for certain models. So it is important to check if the two devices are compatible. Otherwise, you are at risk, as wrong compatibility could lead to accidents such as explosions. If you’re not sure about compatibility, open the manual and read the capacity and voltage. This will give you a clue as to whether they are compatible.

Turn off the device

If you want the battery to charge fast enough, you should turn off the device. However, this is not required, but highly recommended. Or you can reduce background processes so the battery can charge quickly.

Plug into a safety socket

If the outlet is wet or overloaded, it could damage your charger, battery, or both. Battery chargers generally require higher voltages than other devices. So if you overload the circuit, it could cause an accident.

What do I need to do if my battery charger is not working?


When the battery charger is not working, the first thing you need to do is to diagnose. This will help you identify the problem. First check to see if your LEDs are on. If the light is on, your charger is fine and the problem may be with the battery or the device you’re charging.

Clean the terminal board

Use alcohol to scrub rust off batteries, laptops, or phone terminals. If those terminals are rusted, then your battery charger won’t charge. Now dry the terminals and insert the battery in its original position.

buy another

If the cost of repairs outweighs the cost of purchase, it would be wise to buy another one. Some chargers lack spare components, so it makes more sense to buy another. If it’s a phone charger, then you can buy spate components based on what doesn’t work.

Some large chargers, such as car chargers or laptop chargers, come with a warranty. Therefore, you can return them to the dealer for replacement.

Replacing a USB, Head or Adapter

It’s easy to deal with some chargers that come in two parts. This is because both parts are not prone to spoil at the same time. So you can buy another USB and keep the headers to keep costs down. Conversely, if you’re sure the USB is ok, you can buy the headers separately.

If you’re dealing with a laptop charger, then you can buy the two components separately depending on which component isn’t good.

What’s stopping my battery charger from working?

short circuit

Some chargers stop working after a short circuit. This is because voltage ICs or other important components may be damaged. Therefore, shorting out sockets, device ports, or battery terminals is very dangerous. If you expect the charger to serve you for an extended period of time, you should avoid this type of outlet.

bad connection

A poor connection can also prevent your charger from working. Make sure your power supply has enough voltage for the charger to work. Also, if it has two components, they both need to be connected properly. Most adopters have an LED indicator that shows you when the charger is connected to a power source.

Dead battery/device

If the battery is dead, that means the charger won’t work either. For example, if you connect the charger to a dead smartphone or battery. Also, if the device dies, it will not indicate whether it is charging. So the charger may be ok, but the battery is dead.

low voltage

Another problem that can prevent it from working is low voltage. This can be solved by fixing the power supply.

>>>>>>>>>>Power Adapter

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Friendly reminder: If you need to replace the power adapter, this store will be a good

The difference between the power adapter and the charger, can they be used together?

With the development of society and the popularization of technology, more and more people are beginning to use electronic products. For example: mobile phone power cords, data cables, chargers, charging sockets, laptop charging cables, USB, etc. These can be adapters. Think about how to charge your mobile phone or laptop every day. Today I will explain the difference between a power adapter and a charger, what is an adapter, and the role of a power adapter. Let’s take a look!

What is the difference between a power adapter and a charger? Please be patient to know the answer after reading it!

It is a device that converts alternating current into low-voltage direct current. The charger is a DC power supply dedicated to rechargeable batteries. It contains control circuits such as current limit and voltage limit to meet the charging characteristics. It usually charges the battery directly without passing through any intermediate devices.

The process of the charger is: constant current-constant voltage-trickle, three-level smart charging. Adopting the three-level charging theory can greatly improve the charging efficiency, shorten the charging time, and extend the battery life. The three-level charging adopts constant current charging, constant voltage charging, and floating charging for maintenance charging.

Power Adapter
A common power adapter in the market is a power converter that passes through a converter, a rectifier, and a regulator, and the output is direct current, which can be understood as a low-voltage regulator when it encounters a power source.
The power adapter is a small portable electronic device and electronic and electrical power conversion equipment. It connects the power supply with a line to the host. This can reduce the size and weight of the host. Only a few are built in the host device to integrate the power supply part, which is mainly considered Many factors such as volume, cost, or certification.

Power adapters are widely used in routers, telephone hosts, game consoles, language repeaters, walkmans, laptops, mobile phones and other equipment. Most power adapters can automatically detect 100 ~ 240V ac (50/60Hz).

The power transformer and rectifier circuit inside the power adapter can be divided into AC output type and DC output type according to its output type; according to the connection mode, it can be divided into wall type and desktop type. Each power adapter has a nameplate indicating the power supply, input/output voltage and current, and pay special attention to the input voltage range.

Let me explain one thing to everyone:
The transformer is made of silicon steel sheet. After the transformer is energized, magnetic flux is generated. Magnetic flux will generate force between the silicon steel sheets and produce a buzzing sound, which is normal. However, the excessively loud sound is not normal. There are many reasons: 1. The AC voltage is unstable; 2. The chip is damaged; 3. The turn-to-turn short circuit; 4. The component is damaged. By the way, the purpose of the adapter is to convert alternating current into direct current.

Thank you for reading. If there is a small partner who needs an adapter to collect this shop, it will be a good choice: Follow me and show you more…