Apple’s Shocking New iPhone Design Takes Shape

It’s no secret that Apple’s iPhone 11 design has made jaws drop and not in a good way. Yes, there’s solid tech behind the ugly new bulge but only now is the true potential of the design taking shape. 

New iPhone 11 concept render by Hasan
Kaymak, based on multiple leaks
Digging through
the less-than-flattering supply chain leaks (including iPhone 11 partsschematic drawings and chassis molds) is graphic designer Hasan Kaymak and he
has managed to recreate Apple’s iconic attention to detail to show how the
iPhone 11 actually has quite an arresting design.
The most obvious
point of reference is the previously hideous square camera bulge which,
following leaked refinements illustrated by
Kaymak, now positively distinguishes the iPhone 11 from other vertically
aligned triple camera handsets. And the cameras themselves look to be worth the shape change.
Yes, there’s
still a notch in the iPhone 11’s display when most other phone makers have
already moved on to bezel-less or punch-hole designs. But the curvature of the
glass, finish of the chassis and application of Apple’s familiar colour
finishes go a long way to easing fan fears about a phone which otherwise
looks horrible in plans.
iPhone 11 concept render based on leaks
the iPhone 11 is still not going to go down as one of Apple’s great designs and
yes, it is falling behind some of the 
more innovative phones launching right now but it isn’t a complete trainwreck.
Moreover, it should buy Apple enough time before the company’s real fireworks
start in 2020 with a 
new look iPhone and the increasingly likely return a crowd favourite feature.