Indonesia election: More than 270 election staff die counting votes

More than 270 election workers in Indonesia have died, mostly offatigue-related illnesses caused by long hours of work counting millions ofballot papers by hand, an official says.
Arief Priyo Susanto, spokesman of the General Elections
Commission (KPU), said 1,878 other staff had fallen ill.
Staff were expected to work through the night in sweltering
conditions, which took a hefty physical toll on many.
The elections were the first time the country of 260 million
people combined the presidential vote with national and regional parliamentary
ballots, in order to save money.
Around 80% of the 193 million eligible voters cast their votes
in more than 800,000 polling stations.
But the
huge numbers have apparently taken their toll on temporary election staff, who
unlike civil servants, do not undergo a medical examination before starting
Indonesia’s election commission plans to compensate surviving
families 36 million rupiah (£1,930; $2,500) for every deceased worker – roughly
equivalent to one year’s pay at minimum wage, according to the Nikkei Asian
Critics say the government was not prudent for combining the
elections and creating unrealistic expectations of temporary staff.
Both President Joko Widodo and opposition presidential candidate
Prabowo Subianto have declared victory, though quick counts suggested Mr Widodo
won the election by around 9-10 percentage points.

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