How to Unlock the Hidden Trackpad on iPhone and iPad

 We know that the iPhone has powerful functions, but not every function will tell you that there are many hidden functions that you need to dig out by yourself, and some hidden functions are very helpful when we use them, such as hiding in Trackpad in iOS keyboard.

Typically, when you’re composing a long text message or email, you use your finger to move the cursor and return to any area of ​​text that you want to delete, rewrite, or edit. Whenever you do this, a magnification bubble will appear under your fingertip, magnifying the text for easier navigation. However, if you find it difficult to move the cursor precisely with your fingers, iOS offers an alternative.

Here’s how to access the trackpad hidden in the keyboard, which makes it easier to move the cursor and edit text on your iPhone or iPad. Let’s take a look together!

How to Unlock the iPhone and iPad’s Hidden Trackpad

1. Anywhere you have written a piece of text, bring up the keyboard and press the space bar until the keyboard is blank.

You should feel some haptic feedback and see the cursor zoom in for a second, which means you can now use the keyboard as a trackpad.

2. With your finger still down, move it across the keyboard to move the cursor, just like on a Mac’s trackpad.

3. To place the cursor, simply remove your finger from the screen. You can then use any other key (like delete) to make any edits to the text. If you want to move the cursor again, press your finger on the space bar to bring up the hidden trackpad.

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Thanks for reading, hope it helps!

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