How to Find Someone’s Location on iPhone

 While this sounds a little creepy, there are benefits to knowing how to find someone’s location on an iPhone — both for the person you’re tracking and for yourself. You can check the location to make sure someone isn’t lost, or if you’re at a busy event like a festival, you can narrow down someone’s location among many others. Whatever the reason, finding someone’s location on an iPhone is pretty easy with the right sharing settings in place. We’ll cover everything in this tutorial.

How to Find Someone’s Location on iPhone

If you want to find someone’s location on your iPhone, that person must agree to share their whereabouts with you. This requires an understanding of how to use Find Finder to share your location on your iPhone, and it’s worth reading the tutorial to troubleshoot any issues you may have. You’ll need to get your friends to follow them, and you’ll need to follow these steps if you want to share your location with someone.

1. Open the Find My app on your iPhone. The quickest way to find it is to pull down on the screen to invoke Spotlight, then type “find my” in the search box. Tap the Find My Apps icon when it appears.

2. Tap the People tab at the bottom of the screen.

If you’ve never shared your location with anyone before, you can tap Start sharing. If you have shared your location before, you can click + and select Share my location.

3. Enter the name of the person you want to share your location with. Now hit send.

4. Choose how long you want to share your location. You can tap “Share for an hour,” “Share for the day,” or tap “Share indefinitely.”

5. The recipient is informed that you have shared your location with them and is invited to do the same. They will need to tap the notification and follow any further instructions on the screen to get started.


You can also ask someone to share their location with you. To do this, you’ll need to share your location with them first – so follow the steps above before moving on to this section.

1. Open the Find My app on your iPhone (see Step 1 above) and tap the Contacts tab at the bottom of the screen.

2. Select a person from the list. This will show everyone who can see your location.

3. Scroll down the Contact Information page and click Ask for Location. The request will be sent to your friend, so just click OK.

4. You will now need to wait until you receive a notification that your request has been accepted.


Once someone has shared their location with you, you can see their location.

1. Open the Find My app on your iPhone and tap the People tab at the bottom of the screen.

2. Select the name of the person you are looking for and you will see their location on the map.

3. You can also use the option in the business card at the bottom of the screen. Tap Contacts if you want to get in touch with the person or select directions to show directions to the person’s location.

4. You can also receive notifications when someone performs a specific action. Click Add under Notifications.

5. Now select Notify me.

6. You can choose when to be notified. For example, you can choose to be notified when someone leaves a set location.

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