How to find out my laptop’s battery type and battery check

 It’s only a matter of time before you replace your laptop battery. No matter how careful you are with your laptop, this task will one day have to be performed. By reading this you will be able to confirm what you need to know about batteries. So, it’s easy to change the battery when the time comes. Below, is everything you need to know. Let’s have a look!

Knowing what type of battery your system is using is as simple as carefully turning the computer upside down and removing the battery lock to access the battery. Every information you have to look for will be printed on the body of the battery. Other relevant and important information will also be printed on the body of the system where the battery is installed.

For those who don’t like the mechanical and old-fashioned way of checking the battery type, there are other ways they can get the information. You can get work done by accessing DOS mode or what we call Command Prompt on your laptop.

All information is accessible when the system is about to start up. That is, before entering the boot process. Select the “About” or “Info” tabs for whatever you’re looking for. However, please note that this method is only suitable for those who are proficient with computers. If you’ve never been to that part of the system, you might want to consider doing it the normal way.

How do you know how many cells your laptop battery has?

There are several ways to find out how many cells your battery is using. Like we’ve been emphasizing, you can start with the old-fashioned way of having to look at the battery on the back of the laptop to get all the necessary information. The number of cells your battery uses will be written boldly on the battery itself. However, if your battery is not removable, you’ll have to figure out other ways to do it.

One way is to visit your product manufacturer’s website. You’ll be asked to enter your computer model number, and then a bunch of information will be displayed for you to review. This includes the number of cells in the battery.

Another easy way to know the battery count is to check the owner’s manual that came with the laptop. Go directly to the battery specs section and you should find the info there.

Finally, there is a technical way to do this, albeit a very rare method that is disliked by 85% of computer users. This method has to do with dividing the total voltage of the battery by the individual battery voltage. By doing this, you will easily know how much battery the battery is using.

How do you check the health of your laptop battery?

It is important to check the health of your laptop battery from time to time. So how do you know how much power you’re getting from your laptop battery?

With a few Command Prompt commands, you can view all the information about the health of your battery. Here’s what you should do for different versions of Windows;

Windows 7:

1. After clicking start, type “cmd” in the search programs and files box

2. Right click on the cmd.exe file and select “Run as administrator”

3. Enter powercfg –energy in the command prompt environment and press Enter

4. A report named energy-report.html will be generated in the Windows/system 32 directory or folder in the C drive. Open it and check the battery info section.

Windows 8 and Windows 10:

1. Click the Start button

2. Enter “cmd” in the dialog box

3. Type ‘powercfg/batteryreport and press enter

4. A report called battery-report.html will be generated in Users/Your_Username_folder within Drive C.

The report usually contains a number of relevant statistics reflecting the health of the battery. However, you should focus more on design capacity versus full charge capacity. Design capacity happens to be the manufacturer strength of a laptop battery, while full charge capacity talks about the highest charge you can get right now.

The lower the battery’s full charge capacity figure, the lower the power output. If your fully charged capacity battery is below the design capacity value, you will need to replace the battery immediately.

>>>>>>>>>>>>Laptop’s battery

Thanks for reading, hope it helps!

Friendly reminder: If you need to replace the battery, this battery store will be a good choice: