How to buy the right cell phone

This buying advice on picking out your perfectphone is good year round, but it’s especially key to remember a few points whenshopping during the holidays.

Buyinga cell phone as a holiday gift is a bit more complicated than buying atelevision or a camera. It’s not that shopping for those products is
easy–indeed, one TV can present you with a mind-boggling array of specs–but a
cell phone also requires you to select a carrier and choose a service plan.
(Also see my colleague Jessica Dolcourt’s FAQ on picking the right mobileoperating system
Those extra steps, combined with the staggering amount of choice
in the mobile space, can confuse even cell phone fanatics. So if you’re
wondering where to start, don’t feel bad.
Rest assured that CNET is here to help. With a little preparation,
gift shopping for a cell phone can be a stress-free experience. If you keep in
mind the following steps, the only pain may be to your pocketbook.
Step 1: Choose your carrier
If your recipient has asked for a specific, carrier-exclusive phone, thenyou’ll be able to skip this step. But if that’s not the case, remember that
choosing a carrier is equally, if not more, important than selecting a phone.
The carrier, after all, is what makes a phone “work,” so it’s
absolutely critical that you find a provider that will deliver reliable service
in your area. If not, even the fanciest handset is worthless.
Consider, for example,
the iPhone 4S. Though it’s the same phone inside, you’ll get a completely
different user experience on each carrier that sells it. So base your carrier
decision on which provider offers the best service in your home, workplace, and
everywhere else in between. Carrier coverage maps aren’t terribly reliable so we
suggest using tools like RootMetrics to
see how different carriers compare in your neighborhood.
Word of mouth is important as well, so ask your neighbors,friends, and colleagues which carrier they use and if they’re satisfied. You
even can ask to borrow their phones and test them around the house. Just keep
in mind that a variety of factors, from the time of day, to how many people are
using a network at one time, to the materials a building is made of (metal
walls, for instance, won’t do wonders for cell phone signals), can affect cell
phone reception. Excellent customer service is important, too, but hopefully
that will come with quality coverage.
Think also about which cellular technology a carrier uses.T-Mobile and AT&T use GSM, whereas Sprint, Verizon Wireless, U.S. Cellular,
MetroPCS, and many smaller carriers use an incompatible technology called CDMA.
The latter has very strong coverage in the United States, particularly in rural
areas, but GSM service has alarger global footprint and GSM phones use the convenient SIM
cards. As a result, GSM is better for someone who travels abroad frequently and
likes to swap phones.
Though the “Big Four” carriers of AT&T, T-Mobile,Verizon Wireless, and Sprint will be your most obvious choices, they don’t rulethe U.S. market completely. Regional providers like MetroPCS, C Spire, and U.S.
Cellular have aggressively expanded their handset selections, service plans,
and special programs in the last two years. If one or more of these smaller
providers offers service in your area, it’s definitely worth considering.
You’ll accept some trade-offs by going to a regional carrier, but you also see
some nice benefits that the larger players can’t provide.
Step 2. Pick a phone
Hopefully, you’ll get some direction in this department from whoever is gettingthe gift. But for the sake of argument, let’s say that you’re starting from ablank slate. You could be a parent buying your kid’s first cell phone, or you
could be helping your spouse join the smartphone revolution. And with so many
options available, I don’t blame you for being overwhelmed.
I’m going to overgeneralize just a bit here, but most cell phones
sold today fall into three categories. When shopping, think about what your
recipient will need and how he or she will use the phone.
At the bottom end of the scale are basic phones.
Designed mainly for communication, these models have minimal features and simple
designs that have scarcely changed in 10 years. They’re cheap (often free with
service) and easy to use, but aren’t capable of much. As such, basic phones are
best for anyone who will use a phone in emergencies or very occasionally.
Next up are feature phones. These are devices that sit
in between basic handsets and full smartphones. Typically, they’ll offer a few
more features like a music player and a full Web browser, and their designs may
include a QWERTY keyboard or even a touch screen. Feature phones are great for
anyone who wants to get more out of a handset without paying for a full data
plan. You’ll pay a bit more for a feature phone, but some models are free with
At the top end of the scale are smartphones. Both phone and
PDA (remember those?), smartphones come with just about every feature that you
could want from a mobile device, including a media player, e-mail, a personal
organizer, a Web browser, GPS, and support for apps. They will require a data
plan and you’ll pay more for them, but low-end models are available for less
than $100. Of course, you’ll need to decide which operating system is best for
you. Google’s Android and Apple’s iOS (the OS that powers the iPhone) are the
most popular, but Microsoft’s Windows Phone 7 is slowly winning fans. RIM’s
BlackBerry devices remain an alternative for worker bees, though the company
has struggled to innovate over the last couple of years.
: Smartphones lookmore or less alike, but basic and feature phones can have slider, flip, andcandy bar designs. Each design has its advantages and disadvantages, so decide
which you prefer. Also, see how the phone feels in your hand. Is it comfortable
to hold? And what conditions will you use it in? If you work outside, for
example, you might want a rugged phone with a durable shell.
: Is it big andbright enough? Can you read the text without straining? If it’s a touch screen,
is the interface quick and responsive?
Buttons and controls
: Think about their size and placement. Are they big enough and easy to
use? Some handsets have physical keyboards and others show a
“virtual” keyboard on the touch screen. If you don’t know which you
prefer, try them both.
Call performance
: Make a call to a friend to experience the phone’s audio quality. If the
store doesn’t have working display phones, ask a sales rep to let you use one.
CNET also includes audio samples in our cell phone reviews.
Data and media performance
: Check out the Web browser to see how fast it loads. Speeds will vary by
the handset and the quality of your carrier’s data network. Music quality and
camera quality are points to consider as well. You can evaluate photos from
many current phones in CNET’s camera phone image gallery.
Battery life
: Smartphones andhandsets with large touch screens will have less battery life than simplermodels. You can check a manufacturer’s rated battery life before buying, but
real-world use may differ, so check out CNET’s reviews and our battery life charts for actual tested times.
Unlocked phones
: Some GSM phones are unlocked, meaning they don’t have any programmedsettings that tie them to one carrier. They’re great for frequent world travelers,
since you can use the same phone in the United States and abroad just by
switching out the SIM card. See CNET’s Quick Guide toworld phones for more information.
Step 3: Select a service plan
The last step is to think about a service plan. Just like when you’re choosing
a phone, it’s important to think about what you need and then choose
If you’re going with a traditional monthly plan, you’ll have quite a fewoptions available. Many plans are based around your allotment of anytime
minutes, which are for calls placed during peak periods (typically Monday
through Friday between 7 a.m. and 9 p.m.). As a general rule, the more anytime
minutes you have, the more expensive your plan will be. Alternatively, most
carriers now offer unlimited plans that let you use as many minutes as you
want. These plans will be the priciest, and may be required for certain phones,
so consider your budget wisely.
Service rebates will require you to sign a new contract and extend yourservice with the carrier, usually for two years. Yes, being stuck with a
carrier can be constrictive, but it will entitle you to significant rebates on
a new model. The 16GB iPhone 4S, for example, costs $199 with a service contract
and $649 without. Don’t forget, though, that carriers charge early-termination
fees for customers who leave a contract early.
Alternatively, you can avoid a contract entirely with a prepaid phone andservice plan. You will pay more for such handsets up front, but you won’t be
tied down to one carrier. Prepaid carriers like MetroPCS and Cricket Wireless
now offer a wide variety of smartphones and data services. Other options to
consider are shared or family plans, which allow you to share your monthly
airtime allowance with additional lines for family members.
Ask about the carrier’s grace period,
which will allow you to return a phone if you’re unsatisfied with the service.
You will have pay for the calls you made during that time and maybe a
restocking fee, but you can leave the contact without penalty.
Know how many minutes you have (both peak
and off-peak) and when off-peak hours begin and end. In addition, know where
you can track your usage.
Be aware of all extra fees (activation,
international calling, overtime, 411, and so on). Also, remember that taxes
will increase the cost of your monthly bill.
If you’re going to use text messaging ormultimedia messaging on a regular basis, it’s best to get a message bundle or adata plan. Otherwise, you’ll be charged on a per-use basis. For e-mail or Web
browsing, a data plan is a must, and carriers will require you to get one if
you get a smartphone.
If you’re a parent purchasing a phone for
a teenager or a younger child, you may want to consider limiting features, such
as picture messaging, data use, and downloads. Some carriers even offer
Web-based programs with which you can track your child’s location when he or
she is using the phone. And on the other end of the age scale, some carriers offer
handsets designed for senior users.
You can buy at a carrier’s retail store or
Web site, but you should also check third-party retailers like RadioShack and
Best Buy. There can be a couple of advantages to going this route. Not only may
prices be different, but you may get extra rebates and find alternative models
not directly sold by a carrier.
If you’re prone to losing your phone,consider an extended warranty in case your handset is lost, stolen, or damaged.
Some carriers also offer roadside assistance services in case you need help
while driving.


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