How do I know if my laptop battery or charger is faulty – inspection and repair

 One of the most common problems we face with our laptops is a faulty charger or battery. If either of these two critical components don’t work as expected, you’re going to have a hard time using your laptop. Batteries and chargers rarely break at the same time, but sometimes they do, especially when you make the wrong connections. It is very easy to check these two parts. Below we’ll learn how to check for faulty laptop batteries and chargers, how they work, and how to fix them

How to check my laptop battery and charger

Laptop’s battery

Laptop battery is very important because it is easy to carry. As long as the battery is fully charged, you can continue to work even without it.

Checking your laptop battery is so easy, even a kid can do it. You don’t have to take your laptop to an expert. If you want to know if your battery is bad, follow these steps.

1. Unplug the laptop from the power source

2. Make sure the battery is installed correctly

3. Press the power button (if it turns on then your battery is fine)

4. If it doesn’t power up (remove the battery and connect the charger to the mains) make sure you are using the correct type.

5. Now try running off the battery (if the laptop powers on, it means your battery is dead. However, if it doesn’t power on, then the laptop might be faulty.)

Sometimes the battery may work fine, but still not hold a charge for a long time. You can determine if this is the case by fully charging the laptop and determining how long it will last after a charge. If it wears out quickly then you will have to replace it.

laptop charger

Chargers can go bad due to short circuits or improper handling. If the charger is dead, it means you can’t charge the laptop. Let’s see how you can tell if your charger is bad:

Connect it to your laptop. Almost all have an indicator to show if it’s charging. If the indicator light is on, the charger is normal. If not, then it’s probably dead. However, sometimes the charging tank can fail, so you’ll need to do further testing. Also, some chargers have light indicators on their adapters. So if the adopter indicator light is on, your charger is probably fine.

How to Repair My Laptop Battery and Charger

Repairing a battery or charger is not easy. First, you need to diagnose it so you understand what the problem is in the first place. If the LED indicating charging glows, the charger may not be the problem but something else. However, if it doesn’t glow, the problem might be with the power cord.

Most charger failures occur in the adapter or power cord. This can be solved with a fixed voltage regulator IC. Getting replacement ICs isn’t that easy either. This is why most people prefer to buy a new one rather than repair an old one. But diagnosing the charger is always good because the fault can be very minor.

There is no need to buy a new charger if the fault can be fixed with a smaller quantity. But in the event of a failed power cord and adapter, you might consider replacing it. This is because you will end up spending almost the same amount of money to buy another one.

If the battery has reached its end of life, there is nothing you can do about it. Sometimes the battery’s contact metal needs to be scrubbed to remove rust or any other dust to prevent it from working as intended.

in conclusion

You can tell if the charger is bad by looking at the charging light on your laptop. Also, you can detect a faulty battery by running the software or just when the laptop starts up while the charger is connected. There’s not much you can do about the battery when it comes to servicing. But the charger can be fixed by changing the wires of the fixed voltage IC in the adapter.

>>>>>>>>>>>Laptop’s battery

Thanks for reading, hope it helps!

Friendly reminder: If you need to replace your laptop battery or charger, this safe and reliable battery shop will be a good choice: