Google’s first proprietary SoC “Tensor”-everything you want to know

What is Google’s first proprietary SoC “Tensor”? What kind of functions do you have? Please look down together!

First of all, what is a Tensor?

Tensor is Google’s first newly released SoC. Google made computers like the “Google Pixelbook Go” and smartphones like the “Google Pixel,” but this is the first time it has worked on a SoC. However, Google has been manufacturing processing chips for machine learning (ML) called “tensor processing units” (TPUs) for data centers for many years.

What is Tensor suitable for?

Google said Tensor will improve photo and video processing performance. It also helps improve the processing power of software that recognizes / reads and translates speech. The company also claims to improve the performance of tasks such as real-time language translation and taking pictures of moving subjects .

Tensor also needs to rely on Google Cloud resources, but smartphones with this chip will be able to process more information on the device side, reducing the amount of data sent to the cloud.

What is a Tensor from a technical point of view?

Tensor’s identity is like a chip manufactured on a 5 nanometer process with an 8-core Arm architecture. According to credible sources, Google and Samsung have jointly developed a tensor codenamed “Whitechapel.” I think this information is reliable, but if it’s correct, the Tensor may have some characteristics similar to Samsung’s own Arm chip Exynos.

Is Tensor a security chip?

The answer is yes. Google offers Tensor more security features than ever before. The chip also works with Google’s new security-focused Titan M2 chip.

What does “tensor” mean?

The name Tensor comes from Google’s open source ML programming ecosystem, TensorFlow. TensorFlow is the most powerful and popular machine learning programming framework.

Which device will have the Tensor?

Tensor will be the first to be installed on future smartphones “Google Pixel 6” and “Google Pixel 6 Pro”. Unlike its predecessor, the Pixel, both models are designed for chip-level to high-end smartphones. There are rumors that it will be installed on Google’s next-generation Pixelbook.

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