Do you know how to store laptop batteries to avoid damage?

 Most people know very little about battery technology. Laptop batteries, in particular, can be expensive and annoying to replace if not properly maintained. When storing your laptop battery, there are certain things you must know to avoid damage of any kind. So, let’s take a look at these tips!

1 Store the battery at room temperature

Any room temperature away from direct sunlight is best. Just avoid storing the battery in high temperatures. Even at relatively warm temperatures of 77oF, a typical battery loses a few percent of its annual charge capacity. Storing the battery in the refrigerator (or anywhere between 34–60oF/1–15oC) will give small improvements. Still, it’s not necessary unless you don’t have good options or maximum performance is paramount. For most consumers, the refrigerator isn’t worth the risk of water damage and the inconvenience of waiting for the battery to warm up before using it.

2 Do not store fully charged batteries

A fully charged battery degrades faster than a half-charged battery. It is recommended that you store your laptop battery at 40-60% charge. Try to stay within the ideal 40% to 60% range when you’re away from your laptop. This usually means, for your battery health.

3 Store in a dry place

A humid environment or atmosphere can discharge the battery.

You should keep these things in mind when storing your laptop battery. Before putting the laptop battery back into the system, make sure to allow it to warm up slightly. If the temperature rises quickly then it will strain the battery.

>>>>>>>>>>Laptop’s battery

Thanks for reading, hope it helps!

Friendly reminder: If you need to replace the battery, this battery shop will be your best choice: