Do Google’s Pixel 6 and Pixel 6 Pro support 5G? How should you choose?

 The new Pixel 6 and Pixel 6 Pro launched by Google at the Pixel event on October 19 seem to be ready to compete with the iPhone 13 and Galaxy S21 and become the best phones of 2021. They have impressive cameras, fast processors and stylish designs. At least in the first few days of booking, the difference between Google and its Apple and Samsung competitors is whether its new phones can be used with the latest 5G networks. If you are considering buying Google’s latest phone, what should you know? please watch the following part!

If you want to answer it, this is a very complicated answer. This question seems to explain a mix of several unclear web pages from the search giant. Google’s main Pixel 6 and 6 Pro technical specifications page lists two different models: one that supports all types of 5G-millimeter wave and “Sub-6” (this is a term that includes 5G in the low and mid-range bands) ——-The other supports Sub-6 network but not millimeter wave.

A support page also said that the Pixel 6 will support all the flavors of 5G in the United States, while the 6 Pro will be limited to just millimeter wave flavors.

For Pixel 6, Google initially seemed to be sending mixed messages. Depending on the page you view and the rules, the device may or may not be listed, and can be used with all versions of your carrier’s 5G network. And there seems to be a difference, both in terms of equipment and pricing. Verizon confirmed to CNET that purchasing a Pixel 6 or 6 Pro directly from Verizon will provide you with a mobile phone that is suitable for all its 5G, millimeter wave and Sub-6 versions.

On Wednesday afternoon, Google confirmed to CNET that the unlocked Pixel 6 provided by its store will only support Sub-6 5G networks of all three US operators. However, the unlocked Pixel 6 Pro will be suitable for millimeter wave and Sub-6 versions of 5G.

Millimeter wave is the fastest 5G version. Its download speed can reach a few gigabits per second, but its coverage is very limited, especially outdoors. It may be limited to a few selected blocks in the city or part of the stadium. It is also difficult to penetrate indoors.

Low-band 5G provides the best coverage and can work normally indoors, but its speed is usually equivalent to a good 4G LTE connection.

IF 5G, as the name suggests, provides a middle ground between the two: speeds are much faster than 4G LTE, while still covering a wider area and working indoors. T-Mobile is by far the most active operator among US operators deploying mid-frequency 5G (so-called super-capacity). It has previously stated that it plans to cover 200 million people across the country through this service by the end of 2021.

AT&T and Verizon both spent billions of dollars this year to purchase intermediate frequency spectrum called C-band, and both plan to start deploying these networks at the end of this year and early 2022.

Both operators stated on October 19 that the Pixel 6 and 6 Pro they sell should be compatible with their respective C-band networks. T-Mobile said on October 20 that both Pixel phones will support its C-band network, which is scheduled to be launched at the end of 2023.

Google said on October 21 that unlocked Pixels will be able to get software updates to support C-band, but operators need to authenticate unlocked phones to allow devices to work on their respective networks.

What should you do when faced with such a situation?

Currently, carrier support for Pixel 6 is a big issue. No one wants to buy a mobile phone, finds that it does not work as expected, then has to return it and go through the process again. But for now, the only way to know that you get a Pixel that works with your carrier is to buy it directly from that carrier. Purchasing in this way seems to be the safest way to ensure that the Pixel you get will work with the major network improvements that the two carriers will provide in the next few years.

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