Determine if the battery charger is charging and what the lights on the charger mean

 To understand how batteries are charged, we must understand the types of battery chargers available on the market. Here are some battery chargers you might know:

Simple charger

As the name suggests, simple chargers simply provide pulsed DC power to the charger. It doesn’t do anything to the process, nor does it make any changes based on charging time or battery level. Still, due to its simplicity, charging times can be a bit slower compared to other chargers. However, it is very cheap and affordable.

fast charger

A fast charger is a battery charger that uses a power circuit to charge the battery as quickly as possible. No need to worry about damage as they were able to do so without damaging the battery. They usually have cooling fans to control the temperature.

smart charger

A smart charger is a charger that can read the battery condition. So when the battery is half full or about to be depleted, the charger can read the status of the battery and charge it. It’s important to note that smart chargers are always accompanied by smart batteries. A smart battery is a battery that can send information about its status to the charger, allowing the charger to charge it when it is not full. Thus, the two parties jointly created a smart battery-battery charger relationship.

Pulse Charger

A pulse charger or battery generator is a charger that feeds voltage or current pulses to the battery. Feeding the battery with pulses allows a high voltage to be supplied to the battery for a period of time. Doing so also charges the battery without overheating, so there’s no need to worry about temperature.

It can be seen that there are many kinds of battery chargers on the market. However, most of them use a similar system to show if they are charging the battery. This method is to use lights. Let’s take a look at the meaning of the light on the charger!

The three lights you can see on the battery charger. The three lights are the normal yellow flashing yellow and green lights. In some batteries, red sometimes appears as well.

normal yellow light

If the light is yellow, the battery charger is being supplied with AC power from the mains. This process usually happens when you plug the charger into an electrical outlet. When the color changes to this, the battery charger is ready to use.

flashing yellow light

There are some battery chargers that flash a yellow light when in use. This indicates that the charger is currently charging the battery. The energy of the battery is supplemented by the charger, which converts the electrical energy from electrical energy into energy suitable for the battery. So when the yellow light isn’t blinking, it’s a good sign that everything is fine.

green light

A green light usually indicates that the battery has finished charging and that the battery is fully charged. When the light is green, it is best to remove the battery from the charger as soon as possible. Although the battery is fully charged, leaving the battery in the charger will eventually damage the battery, so the output of the battery may not be at its maximum. So it’s best to remove the battery as soon as possible. To be able to do this, it’s a good idea to charge a battery near you so you can instantly see when the battery is fully charged.

red light

Some batteries show a red light when charging. Don’t worry, as a red light means the battery is charging. Usually, you get this light when you charge your phone. So don’t be shocked when the lights are read. There is no problem with the battery!


Thanks for reading, hope it helps!

Friendly reminder: If you need to buy a charger or adapter, this battery store will be a good choice: