7.4V 6970mAh 51Wh SQU-1107 Laptop Battery for Vizio CT14 Series 14 CT14-A0 CT14-A1 CT14-A2 Ultrabook


  • Brand:Vizio
  • Capacity :6970mAh / 51Wh
  • Voltage :7.4V
  • Type :Li-ion
  • Battery Cell Quality: Grade A
  • Descriptive: Replacement Battery – 1 Year Warranty
  • Description: Brand New, 1 Year Warranty! 30-Days Money Back! Fast Shipping!
6970mAh / 51Wh 7.4V Vizio SQU-1107 Batteries for Vizio CT14 14″ CT14-A0 CT14-A1 CT14-A2 CT14-A4 CT14-A5, Vizio SQU-1107 Laptop batteryis a brand new,100% Compatible original and replacement Laptop battery,Purchase wholesale and retail SQU-1107 with high quality and low price!

SQU-1107 Battery vizio Li-ion 7.4V 6970mAh / 51Wh

How we test this Vizio SQU-1107 Battery Li-ion 7.4V 6970mAh / 51Wh

Step 1: Make sure customer bought the correct battery.
Step 2: Check battery’s appearance and interface.
Step 3: Test battery charger and recharger function.
Step 4: Charger the battery to 100% and recharger to 0% to get real battery capacity
Step 5: Use Ev2300 to check the voltage difference of each goroup cells.
Step 6: Charger battery power more than 30%.
Step 7: Package battery carefully and send out

Compatible Part Numbers:

Compatible Model Numbers:

Vizio CT14 Series 14″ Ultrabook
Vizio CT14-A0 CT14-A1 CT14-A2 CT14-A4 CT14-A5

How much do you know about how to run laptop well as any place? The follow Tips cut way back on protecting battery life.

1). Please recharge or change your Laptop battery when battery power low.
2). Using Li-Ion Replacement Vizio SQU-1107 Laptop Battery for your notebook which can work longer time than Non Li-ion one.
3). It is better to defragmentation regularly for your Laptop battery life. 
4). In order to reduce the laptop power consumpition, you can use some optical drive spin-down and hard drive in your Laptop .
5). Please keep your laptop in sleep or standby model without long time using, which both save the Replacement Vizio SQU-1107 Laptop Batterypower and extend battery using life. 
6). Leave your battery in a dry and cool condition when without using.
7). When you rarely or generally plugged in fixed power using, Please take down your battery to avoid hurting battery life.

Hot Products

27Wh L10M2122 Battery for Lenovo Lepad P1 2ICP5/57/128 Series 7.4V 3700mAh


  • Brand:Lenovo
  • Capacity :3700mAh/27WH
  • Voltage :7.4V/8.4V
  • Type :Li-ion
  • Battery Cell Quality: Grade A
  • Descriptive: Replacement Battery – 1 Year Warranty
  • Description: Brand New, 1 Year Warranty! 30-Days Money Back! Fast Shipping!

3700mAh/27WH 7.4V/8.4V Lenovo L10M2122 Batteries for Lenovo Lepad P1 2ICP5/57/128 Series, Lenovo L10M2122 Tablets battery is a brand new,100% Compatible original and replacement Laptop battery,Purchase wholesale and retail L10M2122 with high quality and low price!

L10M2122 Battery lenovo Li-ion 7.4V/8.4V 3700mAh/27WH

How we test this Lenovo L10M2122 Battery Li-ion 7.4V/8.4V 3700mAh/27WH

Step 1: Make sure customer bought the correct battery.
Step 2: Check battery’s appearance and interface.
Step 3: Test battery charger and recharger function.
Step 4: Charger the battery to 100% and recharger to 0% to get real battery capacity
Step 5: Use Ev2300 to check the voltage difference of each goroup cells.
Step 6: Charger battery power more than 30%.
Step 7: Package battery carefully and send out

Compatible Part Numbers:

Compatible Model Numbers:

Lenovo Lepad P1 2ICP5/57/128 Series

How much do you know about how to run laptop well as any place? The follow Tips cut way back on protecting battery life.

1). Please recharge or change your Tablets battery when battery power low.
2). Using Li-Ion Replacement Lenovo L10M2122 Tablets Battery for your notebook which can work longer time than Non Li-ion one.
3). It is better to defragmentation regularly for your Tablets battery life. 
4). In order to reduce the laptop power consumpition, you can use some optical drive spin-down and hard drive in your Tablets .
5). Please keep your laptop in sleep or standby model without long time using, which both save the Replacement Lenovo L10M2122 Tablets Battery power and extend battery using life. 
6). Leave your battery in a dry and cool condition when without using.
7). When you rarely or generally plugged in fixed power using, Please take down your battery to avoid hurting battery life.

Hot Products

New 7.7V 43.7Wh DR02XL HSTNN-IB7M 859027-121 Battery Compatible with HP Chromebook 11 G5 Laptop


  • Brand:HP
  • Capacity :5676mAh/43.7WH
  • Voltage :7.7V
  • Type :Li-ion
  • Battery Cell Quality: Grade A
  • Descriptive: Replacement Battery – 1 Year Warranty
  • Description: Brand New, 1 Year Warranty! 30-Days Money Back! Fast Shipping!

5676mAh/43.7WH 7.7V Hp DR02XL Batteries for HP Chromebook 11 G5 Series HSTNN-IB7M, Hp DR02XL Tablets battery is a brand new,100% Compatible original and replacement Laptop battery,Purchase wholesale and retail DR02XL with high quality and low price!

DR02XL Battery hp Li-ion 7.7V 5676mAh/43.7WH

How we test this Hp DR02XL Battery Li-ion 7.7V 5676mAh/43.7WH

Step 1: Make sure customer bought the correct battery.
Step 2: Check battery’s appearance and interface.
Step 3: Test battery charger and recharger function.
Step 4: Charger the battery to 100% and recharger to 0% to get real battery capacity
Step 5: Use Ev2300 to check the voltage difference of each goroup cells.
Step 6: Charger battery power more than 30%.
Step 7: Package battery carefully and send out

Compatible Part Numbers:

Compatible Model Numbers:

HP Chromebook 11 G5 HSTNN-IB7M 859027-121

How much do you know about how to run laptop well as any place? The follow Tips cut way back on protecting battery life.

1). Please recharge or change your Tablets battery when battery power low.
2). Using Li-Ion Replacement Hp DR02XL Tablets Battery for your notebook which can work longer time than Non Li-ion one.
3). It is better to defragmentation regularly for your Tablets battery life. 
4). In order to reduce the laptop power consumpition, you can use some optical drive spin-down and hard drive in your Tablets .
5). Please keep your laptop in sleep or standby model without long time using, which both save the Replacement Hp DR02XL Tablets Batterypower and extend battery using life. 
6). Leave your battery in a dry and cool condition when without using.
7). When you rarely or generally plugged in fixed power using, Please take down your battery to avoid hurting battery life.

Hot Products


In the hustle and bustle of modern life, there are so manyimportant elements. You might find yourself with a busy and hectic schedule.
There are certain elements of your life that you will need to sort out and
organise. It is important to have a schedule and to plan things to make your
life run smoother.
These days on of the most important devices you can use to help
with your life is a smartphone. If you already have one, then you will know how important they are. There is so much that you can do with
a smartphone and so many different ways in which they play a key role in your
life. If you don’t yet have a smartphone, then you need to think about getting
you want to enhance and advance your working life and personal life, then you
will need to get a smartphone. You can use the phone like a miniature laptop.
This means that you can live so much of your day to day lifestyle on the move.
Here is a list of some of the reasons why smartphones are so important in daily
Smartphonesare so important these days due to the connectivity they provide. This isn’t
just improvements in phone calls and text messaging. But there are also the
number of connectivity options available. Through your smartphone, you can
access Facebook and other social networking sites with ease.
Besidesthis you also have an array of new and advanced connection services. There are
things like Viber, which acts as an international call service like Skype. This
saves money on your phone call allowance. One of the most popular connectivity
apps for smartphones is the instant messaging app Whatsapp. This works over the
internet connection and can make use of Wi-Fi to ensure it doesn’t eat into
your data plan.
Ontop of all this, you also can send and receive emails on the move. When you set
your smartphone up you will have the option sync an email address to your
phone. This will give you access to your emails at any time of the day.
Oneof the things that make smartphones so vital to our daily lives is theirefficiency. The speed with which you can do tasks on a smartphone is almost
unparalleled. In fact, there are some occasions in which they may even be
faster than using computers. The size of a smartphone makes it almost like a
miniature computer.
Thefact that you can synchronise email addresses on your smartphone makes itinvaluable. If you use your phone for business, which most people do, then it
is even more efficient. Allowing you to get work done and communicate with
people even whilst you’re on the move.
a business viewpoint, you can also use your smartphone to connect and
collaborate with colleagues. Applications like One Drive and Google Docs means
that you can create and share information with others. This means that you can
work on the move wherever you are.
Perhapsthe biggest appeal of smartphones is their functionality. Nowadays there is
precious little that cannot be done with a smartphone. As mentioned you can use
it for work, as almost a portable computer. But there is so much more to a
smartphone than just connectivity and efficiency.
Youcan store important data such as files, information and details on your phone.
There is an app for almost anything these days. You might want to do online
banking, check out the nearest coffee shops in your area or find out the best
places to park. You can visit the app store and find apps for almost anything
you could think of.
Asidefrom this you can also use security measures to protect your phone. Try setting
pin numbers to protect your handset and sim card. You can also block numbers if
needs be. If you first want to, say, find who owns a Houston Texas number
before you block it then you can look it up online. Your smartphone allows you
to set call details for numbers as well. So you can put yourself in complete
control of who you receive calls from.
Anotherof the important aspects of smartphones is that they give you access to thelatest entertainment. Instead of having to cart your laptop around with you on
long train journeys you can now amuse yourself with your smartphone.
can get ahold of the latest music, movies and TV shows on your smartphone with
ease. Just the click of a button or two and you can have what you want
downloaded straight to your handset. This means you can listen and watch on the
Thisis not even to mention the number of games that are accessible to you. Online
mobile gaming has become a huge market over the last few years. Using your
smartphone you can access the app store and get hold of almost any game you can
think of.
find that the entertainment available to you on your smartphone may be more
extensive than you’re used to. It will also be much cheaper than you might pay
through other means. In this respect, smartphones have revolutionised
entertainment. They have completely transformed the world of portable gaming
and movies.
Withthe busy modern lifestyles, many people have it may not be possible for you to
make the time to keep entertained at home. Smartphones allow you to do this on
the move and hence make more efficient use of your valuable time.
Thereis almost no limit to what you can do with a smartphone these days. You can use
the phone as a GPS tracker. You can map out journey’s, find the latest news
sources and even read books.
phones will even allow you to access your home computer from your phone whilst
on the move. This is a fantastic possibility as it allows you to access
documents on your computer that you might need to email or send to people.
You can even set voice activations for things as well as usingyour phone as a fitness monitor. Track your health and heart rate. Check your
weight and calorie intake. Even map out routes for your latest run schedule.
This is just the tip of the iceberg. There is a wealth of possibilities that
come with owning a smartphone. Explore the options available to you right now!

Twitter will now let you add photos, videos, or GIFs to retweets

Available starting today on iOS, Android, and mobile browsers

Beginning today, Twitter users can add images,
videos, and GIFs to their retweets / quoted tweets. The company is rolling out
this new feature across Android, iOS, and Twitter’s mobile website; it’s not on
desktop quite yet, however. Adding media to a retweet works just like you’d
expect: tap the “retweet with comment” option and then choose the image or GIF
icon in the toolbar.
This is a small addition to the service, but
Twitter says it was actually quite difficult to design in a way that made sense
and wasn’t overwhelming when viewed in the timeline. “We found it was
challenging for people to quickly understand all the content in a Retweet with
media. This was due to the layout; two large tweets stacked on top of each
other,” a spokesperson said. To solve for that, Twitter puts the original tweet
in a smaller, indented box (with the user’s avatar still visible), and it makes
your own media full width.
Twitter notes that some brands and creators arealready using the new functionality on day one. Again, if you’re seeing this on
a desktop browser, it’s not going to look quite right. Hopefully Twitter will
fix that before long.

What will Google call Android 10 Q?

Let the games begin

Android P — officially known as Android 9 Pie — was always
going to be the easy one.
From Popsicle to Peppermint
to Pastry to Popcorn to Pop-Tarts to Praline to Peanut Brittle to Pop Rocks to
Pancake to Panna Cotta to Pez to Peeps to Pudding to Parfait to Pocky to Pound
Cake to Punschkrapfen to Profiterole to Patbingsu, there was a plethora of
possibilities for P’s pseudonym. (And that’s not even counting fruits like
Pear, Passionfruit, Pumpkin, Plum, Peach, or Pamplemousse.)
But now that Pie’s name is
set and done, the eyes of the Android naming community must turn to the real
challenge: this year’s Android 10 Q release. We’ve always known that, one day,
we’d have to cross this road, given Google’s abecedarian naming conventions for
Android, and with Google I/O 2019 right around the corner, it’s time to revisit
this nomenclature nightmare to see what the possibilities are.
There have been tough
challenges before: Google had to turn to the internet for suggestionsfor the naming of
Android N, and O would have probably been a calamity had Google not been able
to partner with Nabisco to get the Oreo name.
But even N and O look like
simple solutions compared to what awaits Q. Per Google’s somewhat outdated history of Android website, each version of Android
is “named after something sweet,” and, simply put, there aren’t a lot of
marketable desserts or snacks that start with the letter Q. Actually, there
aren’t a lot of foods that start with a Q, period, let alone a tasty treat that
would fit in alongside Cupcake, Eclair, Froyo, Gingerbread, Honeycomb, Ice
Cream Sandwich, Jelly Bean, KitKat, Lollipop, Marshmallow, Nougat, Oreo, and
Consulting the internet
doesn’t give a lot of options, either. There are a few desserts that do start
with Q, but most of them originate outside of America. And while they’re surely
delicious, they likely lack the level of familiarity that Google is looking for
on a marketing level in the US.
What if Google
bends the rules and expands to other foods that start with Q? After all, you
could probably make Quail or Quiche sweet if you were creative enough in the
It’s also
possible Google will use the landmark number 10 to begin a new naming scheme,
similar to what Apple did for macOS versions when it already used every single
big cat in the animal kingdom. In that case, the sky could be the limit for
Android Q. Google could use saints! Countries! 
D&D monsters! Planets! Perhaps a Star Trek tie-in to
go with PatrickStewart’s new show? Or what about just using regular numbers?
Anything could happen!

Apple is planning big software updates at WWDC, including iOS Dark Mode and iPad apps on the Mac

On June 3rd, Apple will announce a raft of updates for the iPhone,Apple Watch, and Mac

traditionally shows off updates to its iOS, Mac, and smartwatch software at its
annual Worldwide Developers Conference (WWDC). This year’s conference begins on
June 3rd, and according to a newreport from Bloomberg’s Mark Gurman, the company has
Gurman is a
reliable source for this sort of Apple news, and he suggests that the company
will be announcing new apps and updated software across all of its major
platforms. The updates seem mostly commonsense and minor, but if there’s an
overarching theme it’s that Apple wants to make sure its homegrown apps are
viable options.
The company
seems like it’s lavishing particular attention on areas where third-party apps
are stronger than Apple’s own (e.g., to-do lists and navigation).
Some of the
biggest news includes an official dark mode in iOS, revamped mobile Health and
Reminders apps, and an updated version of Maps that will better compete with
rivals like Google Maps. In watchOS, Apple is adding direct support for the App
Store, meaning Apple Watch owners will be able to install new apps without
using their phones. In macOS, the company will announce the first crop of iPad
apps that run on Macs. Oh, and the HomePod should get a multiuser mode, with
different responses to different users.
Check out the
highlights of Gurman’s report below, but visit the originalstory if you want all of the nitty-gritty details.
New in iOS 13:
  • An official Dark Mode
    will be enabled from the Control Center. iOS users have previously had to
    use color inversion to
    achieve a sort of dark mode.
  • There’s a revamped
    Health app, with a new homepage for daily activity, a “hearing health”
    feature, and “more comprehensive menstrual cycle tracking.”
  • The updated Reminders app has a new main screen with four default options: tasks to be done
    today, scheduled tasks, flagged tasks, and all tasks. Gurman says the
    update “better competes with the several to-do list programs available on
    the App Store.”
  • The updated Maps app
    has easier options for setting frequent locations, creating groups of
    favorite locations, and navigating to suggested and past destinations.
  • The addition of
    profile pictures and display names in iMessages includes a dedicated menu
    for sending sticker versions of Animoji and Memoji.
  • Find My Friends and
    Find My iPhone will be combined into a single app. Previously rumored by 9to5Mac
    it also suggested that Apple was working
    on a physical tag similar to Tile that would let users track the location
    of any devices — not just Apple phones and computers.
  • Native support to use
    an iPad as a secondary Mac screen will be introduced, which is similar to
    the functionality offered by third-party apps like Luna and Duet Display.
    This was also previously rumored by 9to5Mac
  • There’s a selection
    of iPad-specific updates, including a better interface for multitasking
    and an updated home screen.
New in watchOS 6:
New in macOS 10.15:
  • iPad apps on the Mac
    was previously rumored by Bloomberg.
    It reported that Apple will allow developers to create (essentially) a
    single app that runs on iPhones, iPads, and Macs. This process will need
    some work from developers, though, who will also have to submit multiple
    versions of the app to the iOS and Mac App Stores. Gurman says the feature
    will be expanded to iPhone apps “by next year.” Apple has already made iOS
    apps available on the Mac itself, including News and Stocks with macOS Mojave.
  • A new Apple Music app
    could be part of the rumored break-up of iTunes.
  • Apple iPad apps that
    will be initially available on the Mac include the Podcasts app and newly
    merged Find My iPhone / Find My Friends app. Apple’s Screen Time, Siri
    Shortcuts, and updated Reminders app will also be available on the Mac.

Laptop Battery for Hasee SQU-1603 (11.1V 4050mAh/45Wh) SQU-1603 Series Notebook


  • Brand:Hasee
  • Capacity :3980mAh/45WH
  • Voltage :11.1V/12.6V
  • Type :Li-ion
  • Battery Cell Quality: Grade A
  • Descriptive: Replacement Battery – 1 Year Warranty
  • Description: Brand New, 1 Year Warranty! 30-Days Money Back! Fast Shipping!

3980mAh/45WH 11.1V/12.6V Hasee SQU-1603 Batteries for Hasee SQU-1603 Series, Hasee SQU-1603 Laptop battery is a brand new,100% Compatible original and replacement Laptop battery,Purchase wholesale and retail SQU-1603 with high quality and low price!

SQU-1603 Battery hasee Li-ion 11.1V/12.6V 3980mAh/45WH

How we test this Hasee SQU-1603 Battery Li-ion 11.1V/12.6V 3980mAh/45WH

Step 1: Make sure customer bought the correct battery.
Step 2: Check battery’s appearance and interface.
Step 3: Test battery charger and recharger function.
Step 4: Charger the battery to 100% and recharger to 0% to get real battery capacity
Step 5: Use Ev2300 to check the voltage difference of each goroup cells.
Step 6: Charger battery power more than 30%.
Step 7: Package battery carefully and send out

Compatible Part Numbers:

Compatible Model Numbers:

Hasee SQU-1603 Series Laptop

How much do you know about how to run laptop well as any place? The follow Tips cut way back on protecting battery life.

1). Please recharge or change your Laptop battery when battery power low.
2). Using Li-Ion Replacement Hasee SQU-1603 Laptop Battery for your notebook which can work longer time than Non Li-ion one.
3). It is better to defragmentation regularly for your Laptop battery life. 
4). In order to reduce the laptop power consumpition, you can use some optical drive spin-down and hard drive in your Laptop .
5). Please keep your laptop in sleep or standby model without long time using, which both save the Replacement Hasee SQU-1603 Laptop Batterypower and extend battery using life. 
6). Leave your battery in a dry and cool condition when without using.
7). When you rarely or generally plugged in fixed power using, Please take down your battery to avoid hurting battery life.

Hot Products

15.4V 76Wh C41N1716 Laptop Battery Compatible Asus C41N1716 Series


  • Brand:ASUS
  • Capacity :76Wh
  • Voltage :15.4V
  • Type :Li-ion
  • Battery Cell Quality: Grade A
  • Descriptive: Replacement Battery – 1 Year Warranty
  • Description: Brand New, 1 Year Warranty! 30-Days Money Back! Fast Shipping!

76Wh 15.4V Asus C41N1716 Batteries for ASUS ROG Strix GL703GM S7BS8750 S7BS, Asus C41N1716 Laptop battery is a brand new,100% Compatible original and replacement Laptop battery,Purchase wholesale and retail C41N1716 with high quality and low price!

C41N1716 Battery asus Li-ion 15.4V 76Wh

How we test this Asus C41N1716 Battery Li-ion 15.4V 76Wh

Step 1: Make sure customer bought the correct battery.
Step 2: Check battery’s appearance and interface.
Step 3: Test battery charger and recharger function.
Step 4: Charger the battery to 100% and recharger to 0% to get real battery capacity
Step 5: Use Ev2300 to check the voltage difference of each goroup cells.
Step 6: Charger battery power more than 30%.
Step 7: Package battery carefully and send out

Compatible Part Numbers:

Compatible Model Numbers:

ASUS ROG Strix GL703GM Scar Edition
ASUS Strix GL703GM-DS74

How much do you know about how to run laptop well as any place? The follow Tips cut way back on protecting battery life.

1). Please recharge or change your Laptop battery when battery power low.
2). Using Li-Ion Replacement Asus C41N1716 Laptop Battery for your notebook which can work longer time than Non Li-ion one.
3). It is better to defragmentation regularly for your Laptop battery life. 
4). In order to reduce the laptop power consumpition, you can use some optical drive spin-down and hard drive in your Laptop .
5). Please keep your laptop in sleep or standby model without long time using, which both save the Replacement Asus C41N1716 Laptop Batterypower and extend battery using life. 
6). Leave your battery in a dry and cool condition when without using.
7). When you rarely or generally plugged in fixed power using, Please take down your battery to avoid hurting battery life.

Hot Products



  • Brand:ASUS
  • Capacity :48Wh
  • Voltage :11.4V
  • Type :Li-ion
  • Battery Cell Quality: Grade A
  • Descriptive: Replacement Battery – 1 Year Warranty
  • Description: Brand New, 1 Year Warranty! 30-Days Money Back! Fast Shipping!

48Wh 11.4V Asus B31N1726 Batteries for ASUS FX504 FX505 FX80 FX80GD FX86 FX86FM FX86FE, Asus B31N1726 Laptop battery is a brand new,100% Compatible original and replacement Laptop battery,Purchase wholesale and retail B31N1726 with high quality and low price!

B31N1726 Battery asus Li-ion 11.4V 48Wh

How we test this Asus B31N1726 Battery Li-ion 11.4V 48Wh

Step 1: Make sure customer bought the correct battery.
Step 2: Check battery’s appearance and interface.
Step 3: Test battery charger and recharger function.
Step 4: Charger the battery to 100% and recharger to 0% to get real battery capacity
Step 5: Use Ev2300 to check the voltage difference of each goroup cells.
Step 6: Charger battery power more than 30%.
Step 7: Package battery carefully and send out

Compatible Part Numbers:

Compatible Model Numbers:

ASUS FX80 FX80GD FX86 FX86FM FX86FE FX504 FX505 Series

How much do you know about how to run laptop well as any place? The follow Tips cut way back on protecting battery life.

1). Please recharge or change your Laptop battery when battery power low.
2). Using Li-Ion Replacement Asus B31N1726 Laptop Battery for your notebook which can work longer time than Non Li-ion one.
3). It is better to defragmentation regularly for your Laptop battery life. 
4). In order to reduce the laptop power consumpition, you can use some optical drive spin-down and hard drive in your Laptop .
5). Please keep your laptop in sleep or standby model without long time using, which both save the Replacement Asus B31N1726 Laptop Batterypower and extend battery using life. 
6). Leave your battery in a dry and cool condition when without using.
7). When you rarely or generally plugged in fixed power using, Please take down your battery to avoid hurting battery life.

Hot Products