Can you overcharge a rechargeable battery? and how to prevent overcharging

 You must have heard that you should not overcharge your electronic devices. But have you tried to find out the reason behind this?

Here we are to discover the fact that overcharging is a bad rule. Lithium-ion batteries are currently used in smartphones, laptops, tablets, power banks and other self-running and rechargeable devices. While the technology is smarter and faster than its predecessors, there are still many aspects of concern. In this article, we’ll explore how overcharging affects your battery and what you can do about it. Let’s take a look below!

What if you overcharge your rechargeable battery?

Most of us have heard advice that we shouldn’t leave our phones or laptops charging overnight. The main reason for this recommendation is the concept of overcharging. Simply put, overcharging can be explained as a phenomenon that occurs when a battery is exposed to extra current that causes the battery to fail. In the worst case, overcharging can also be accompanied by a spontaneous exothermic reaction that can decompose the cathode material and potentially cause a fire.

We all know that lithium batteries have high energy density. Therefore, a large amount of energy is stored in a relatively small volume. But once the thermal runaway begins, the battery catches fire and lights up everything in direct contact with the battery. Fortunately, batteries now have protection circuits that cut power once the battery is fully charged.

Regardless of the circuit, there is another risk of overcharging that is not serious, but can have a serious impact on the life of the battery. When you plug the device into the charger, it usually charges to the maximum limit. When the battery reaches full capacity, the power is shut off internally. This means that the device will start discharging for a short period of time until a significant battery percentage drops. Due to the discharge, the charger circuit will activate and start charging the device again. Continuing this process will negatively affect the lifespan of the battery.

How to prevent overcharging of rechargeable batteries?

Determining the fact that overcharging the battery is not suitable for the device, we must take all possible precautions to avoid this. While new battery technologies are less susceptible to such problems, we still need to take care of them to extend their life and minimize potential risks.

Here are some tips to help you charge your battery ideally and prevent overcharging as much as possible.

1: Do not leave the battery plugged into the charger

If you feel like you can wander around while charging, just don’t overdo it. Leaving the battery in this state can affect its trickle system or battery management system. In some cases, the BMS may not be able to prevent overcharging of the device and could cause a fire or reduce battery capacity or both. Considering that batteries also self-discharge, charging longer than necessary can speed up the aging process.

2: Keep the battery in the correct condition

This can happen if the battery is physically damaged or stored in inappropriate conditions. For example, let’s say you want to store batteries. It will be safe if you put it on a shelf insulated from other flammable or hazardous materials. However, if the battery is thrown away with a metal object or mishandled each time it is used, it will eventually cause the protection circuit to fail.

With no protection against infinite current flow, the battery can overcharge, overheat, and reach overvoltage levels that further raise its temperature. Therefore, you need to make sure that the battery is stored safely even when it is put away.

3: Don’t charge too often

Just because batteries are rechargeable these days doesn’t mean you should always have them plugged in. Many consumers charge their batteries whenever the percentage falls below 60% or 50%. But that’s not a good thing. When the battery level reaches about 40% or less, it must be charged. Otherwise, it’s absolutely fine to use them. Plugging them into the charger just disrupts the normal charging cycle. In addition to these points, you should also remember to keep the battery in proper temperature conditions, choose the correct charging method and use it sparingly. Handling them with care is the way to prevent any accidents.


Thanks for reading, hope it helps!

Friendly reminder: If you need to replace the battery, this store battery shop will be a good choice: