Apple Watch 8 vs Samsung Galaxy Watch 5: Comparing the two biggest wearables

 Apple has finally pulled back the curtain on the Apple Watch 8, and if you’re wondering how it compares to Samsung’s latest wearable, this is the article for you!

Announced at the company’s Far Out event, the Apple Watch 8 is Apple’s latest mainline wearable, sitting comfortably between the more budget-friendly Apple Watch SE 2 and the premium Apple Watch Ultra. In the wearable market, however, the Apple Watch 8’s closest competitor is undoubtedly the Galaxy Watch 5.

Samsung’s latest wearables are still fairly new, and while direct comparisons are tricky as the watch doesn’t work on iPhones and the Apple Watch doesn’t work on Android phones, the overall comparison is still poignant, look at these two Let’s take a look at how the biggest smartwatches are moving the industry forward.

They approach temperature sensors in different ways

Apple and Samsung clearly have a similar mindset this year, as both the Apple Watch 8 and Galaxy Watch 5 list temperature sensors as one of their big additions this year. Unfortunately, Samsung didn’t have a primary use case for the temperature sensor at launch, and promised developers would find a way to use it in their own apps.

Apple, on the other hand, showed how to use its temperature sensor to improve the accuracy of menstrual tracking, and the Apple Watch 8 was able to display the estimated start date of a person’s ovulation cycle. It can even spot deviations in your baseline temperature overnight, letting you know early signs of any illness.

The battery gap is closing

In our Galaxy Watch 5 review, we got nearly 48 hours of use on a single charge, which is huge for a modern Wear OS smartwatch. This statistic makes the previous Apple Watch‘s 18-hour battery life seem outdated, and the Apple Watch 8 does have the same standard battery life, but it has a new feature to extend its lifespan.

Apple introduced a low-power mode that users can use for up to 36 hours by turning off the always-on display and automatic workout tracking. While it’s not enough to completely beat the Galaxy Watch 5, it’s definitely a step in the right direction for taking Apple to the next level.

Apple Watch 8 has must-have security features

Apple was the first company to consistently bring fall detection to the wearables market with the Watch 4, and the feature has since been replicated on a handful of competing devices, including the Galaxy Watch 5. With the Apple Watch 8, however, Apple introduced a brand new safety feature that could kick off another trend in the smartwatch market: collision detection.

As the name suggests, Collision Detection can identify when the wearer is in a car accident and automatically contact emergency services, as well as emergency contacts listed on the phone. For people living in rural areas, this feature can be a great source of peace of mind.

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