Apple Leak Corroborates Ugly New iPhone Design

Apple AAPL +1.3% is planning some surprising upgrades for its 2019 iPhones, but by far the most controversial is an ugly prototype design. And now it appears this will be Apple’s preferred iPhone design…

Respected Japanese site Macotakara reports contacts within Apple’s Chinese supply chain have confirmed the so-called iPhone XI will feature a triple camera array which is housed in a large protruding square on the back of the phone.

This design was initially leaked back in January by acclaimed industry insider Steve Hemmerstoffer (aka OnLeaks) but was ridiculed as being too ugly for Apple to use. Interestingly, Hemmerstoffer also leaked a second iPhone prototype which received a more positive reaction, but Macotakara’s sources state Apple has chosen the only-a-mother-could-love option.

Macotakara does reveal Apple has tweaked the design slightly so that the three rear cameras are at least symmetrical. That said, the large square housing seems completely at odds with the company’s much-loved minimalist design aesthetic.

Perhaps just as surprising, the design isn’t even original. A square triple camera housing has already been implemented by Huawei in the Mate 20 Pro but with a central position which looks a lot better.

Yes, rumours are rife that Apple is working hard to bring a head-turning flexible iPhone Fold to market, but right now it is hard to see how the design of the iPhone XI (coupled with its omission of 5G and still no fast charger) will do enough to reverse stalling iPhone sales. Especially with entry-level cancellations apparently planned.

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