AMD Ryzen Threadripper 3000 Packaging Leaked

As leaked by VideoCardz, it appears that AMD has revamped the packaging for its upcoming Ryzen Threadripper 3000-series (codenamed Castle Peak) processors.

The purported packaging looks like a normal cardboard box that’s decked out with fancy graphics, and the concept is similar to AMD’s packaging for the previous-gen of Ryzen Threadrippers. There’s a huge cutout in the middle where you can see the Ryzen Threadripper logo and a preview of the chip. VideoCardz noted that the packaging is numbered, so this would be a limited edition packaging.

The processor itself seems to come inside a translucent black box that allows you to faintly see the chip that’s housed inside. The box is likely made of plastic, although it would be cool if AMD had used tempered glass as it would certainly add a more premium feel to the product. However, tempered glass would unnecessarily jack up the final price, so we’ll settle on plastic. There’s also a button on the bottom that probably opens the box.

In comparison to the current design for Ryzen Threadripper 2000-series, the new packaging looks more compact. Some might argue that the last-gen’s packaging resembles a lunchbox, but the sheer size does make the processor inside look rather imposing, just as we’d expect from the rumored 64-core 128-thread models. 

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