Reasons and solutions for my computer to freeze soon after running out of power

 Laptop batteries draining at a faster rate can be a problem. Your laptop battery can drain very quickly for many reasons. It could also be because your laptop has some software related issues. If your laptop battery is old, chances are the battery will drain faster and you will need to replace it for better performance. Therefore, you should rule out all causes to find a specific one. Let’s take a look below!

Laptop battery drains fast:

Many people complain that their laptop batteries are draining quickly. This could be due to many reasons. You should check all the reasons for the rapid discharge of the battery.

old battery

The most common reason is that your battery is nearing the end of its life and you need a quick replacement. This is due to the self-discharge phenomenon of the battery, where certain reactions take place with the chemicals present inside the battery. These reactions reduce the amount of stored charge the battery can hold.


If there is too much processing running in the background, it could also be because of a heavier application, such as a heavy game or such files, that drain the battery faster. Too many programs running at the same time can also cause the battery to drain. Sometimes background apps drain battery faster than apps running on the desktop.

system changes

Any short circuit that occurs without your knowledge will also cause the battery to drain faster. You should check the circuit for problems. A worn alternator belt can also be a problem, which is why you should consider it. If there are loose disconnects or broken wires, that’s why you’re draining the battery faster and we should take care of it by replacing the circuit.

advanced options

Some of the advanced options present in the laptop cause its performance to increase, which requires high power. This affects battery life and makes it drain faster.

If your laptop’s screen brightness is high, this could also be the cause of the drained battery. This is a common cause of battery drain if Bluetooth and Wi-Fi are enabled. Turning off Bluetooth and Wi-Fi is recommended if you want to save battery longer.

peripheral equipment

This can also cause your laptop battery to drain faster if there are too many peripherals. Any malfunction of drivers and Windows can also be a problem, which is why you have to refresh Windows and drivers from time to time to avoid such complications.

What if my Mac’s battery is dying soon?

Lately, most people are complaining that their Mac’s battery is dying quickly. This is because of various complications.

Check battery status.

If your Mac notebook battery is draining quickly, you should check the battery status immediately. The Mac’s battery must be the cause of the problem, as laptop (including Mac) batteries have certain complications. You should contact your Mac laptop vendor to investigate the matter for better guidance.

Turn on the battery percentage.

To track your Mac’s battery, it is recommended to turn on the battery percentage. This will give you a clear picture of the hourly battery drain caused by your computer. You can also turn on battery saver as it will stop apps running in the background.

How can I stop my laptop battery from draining so fast?

There are many ways to stop your laptop battery from draining at a faster rate. There are steps you can take to help extend your laptop’s battery life.

Monitor screen brightness and power settings

To keep the battery last longer, the first thing you can do is keep the screen brightness. You should also monitor the power settings in the laptop’s settings options. You can make other power settings that allow you to run an optimized plan on your computer.

Reduce network connections.

You should go to connection settings and look for the number of connections linked to your computer. It is recommended to shield the extra connections as they are one of the reasons why the battery drains faster.

Remove unnecessary programs.

You should look for programs installed on your computer and uninstall programs you no longer need. This will also reduce the number of background apps. Background apps can also stop running if you turn on your computer’s battery saver mode.

Update software.

Software issues can also be the cause of a drained battery. That’s why you must keep your software updated.

>>>>>>>>>>Laptop’s battery

Thanks for reading, hope it helps!

Friendly reminder: If you need to replace the battery of your device, this battery store will be a good choice: