Just because iPhones perform better on MacBooks doesn’t mean they won’t work on Windows 10 laptops. Syncing your data on Windows 10 requires a bit more expertise (as opposed to macOS’s plug-and-play sync, or how you drag and drop files with Android on Windows 10). Let’s take a look below!
Copy to iPhone
Syncing music, photos, movies and TV shows means getting familiar with iTunes. If you’re already using it, you’re ready to go. If not, you can download and import your music by going to File > Add Folder to Library to move your current music into iTunes. Once you’re ready to sync, follow these steps:
1. Connect your iPhone to your laptop with a Lightning cable.
2. Click Continue when asked if the computer can access the phone.
3. Click the phone icon in the top bar.
4. Click Sync. Depending on the amount of data you’re syncing, this may take a while.
5. Check your photos, music, apps, and videos to confirm that they arrived on your phone from Windows 10.
Copy from iPhone
This is where things get tricky. To avoid piracy, it’s not that easy to sync from an iPhone and send data to it. Fortunately, there are some workarounds.
Music and Movies: This puts you in Apple‘s cab. While you can move non-iTunes media files from your PC to your phone, you can’t send them from your phone to your computer. However, if you buy media from iTunes on your iPhone, you can get it on your desktop via the cloud. As long as you have an Apple ID, you can download all your songs and movies again from iTunes on your PC at no extra cost.
Files: The cloud is your friend for syncing files. While I personally use Dropbox, you can also use iCloud.
Here’s our guide to using iCloud on Windows. It’s perfect for those who love Apple software, including Pages, Numbers, and Keynote. If you’re a Dropbox user, you can use the iPhone app and desktop app to view files or photos on any device. If you’re a Google user, you can use Sheets, Slides, and Docs.
>>>>>>>>Apple battery
Thanks for reading, hope it helps!
Friendly reminder: If you need to replace the battery of your device, this battery store will be a good choice: www.batteryforpc.co.uk