Should Lithium Batteries Be Fully Discharged – Quick and Correct Discharge Method

 A discharge or charge cycle refers to the complete discharge of a battery after charging. However, the battery is never fully discharged. Manufacturers use an 80% depth-of-discharge formula to rate batteries. For this reason, 80% of the available energy is delivered while 20% is retained. In addition, the manufacturer claims that the life of the battery increases when the number of cycles of the battery falls below a full discharge. Lithium technology can also cause extreme heat generation and internal short circuits.

Can a lithium battery be fully discharged?

Lithium batteries are not suitable for deep discharge, as everyone knows. Generally, the fully charged voltage of a lithium battery is about 3.65V, and 20V is the fully discharged voltage. This means that overcharging will bring more energy to the battery, thereby destroying the battery. Damage can be extreme and caused by shooting.

Most devices today use lithium batteries that have no memory effect. Always try to partially discharge to around 40% to 70% before charging the battery. Conversely, you should not leave the battery fully charged for extended periods of time. This will reduce lifetime and capacity loss. If you want to keep it for six months, please charge 50% before storage. However, if you use it a lot, you don’t need to be nervous.

Shallow discharges only cause minor problems. For example, a PC might get confused and display the wrong battery percentage. Laptop manufacturers recommend that users perform a full discharge once a month. It will assist in measuring the battery of the device based on the estimated time. Do not leave the battery in a deeply discharged state for an extended period of time. Batteries cannot discharge to zero, but if they do, charge them as soon as possible. Avoid leaving an uncharged device without charging.

What is the fastest way to discharge a lithium battery?

Most modern lithium batteries have internal circuitry. This prevents them from discharging deeply, which can lead to battery damage. You can discharge them to C/10 until no current flows. Let’s say they are 5Ahr and can discharge to 500Ma. Most battery packs have the same C/10 rate.

A resistor or LED can discharge the battery safely and quickly. You need to make sure the resistors are rated above the 100mA spread. If you need a 2W resistor, add a fuse to produce 200mA. By ensuring process safety, resistors are the right choice. The cool stuff keeps the insulation from melting and damaging the battery. It provides enough resistance to keep the temperature cool.

How much can a lithium battery discharge?

It is recommended to store lithium batteries to 40% discharge. It’s safe if you’re going to keep it long term. If it is held at full charge, oxidation will be at a high rate. Additionally, lithium batteries have a safety built-in circuit that turns on when their discharge voltage falls below 2.5 volts. Do not discharge the battery beyond the manufacturer’s instructions. Finally, a deeply discharged battery should not be charged immediately, especially if left in that state for an extended period of time.

Lithium batteries have no charge memory effect. Use partial discharge instead of deep discharge. Lithium battery experts suggest that it can be fully discharged after 30 charges. Continued partial discharges can cause digital memory and degrade the accurate performance of the device.

Lithium battery discharge guide

1. Never discharge a lithium battery at a higher amperage rate than the specific label on the battery

2. The battery temperature should not exceed 140 degrees Celsius. Cool the battery while discharging.

3. The battery should not be discharged below the marked voltage. Discharging below recommended voltage can damage, degrade performance and cause fire.

4. The discharge voltage of lithium batteries in each battery should not be lower than 3V. Follow the cut-off voltage.

5. Keep an eye on the battery and monitor for potential problems that may arise

6. If something goes wrong, stop the process immediately. Put it in a safe place and assess the problem.

7. Check the condition of the battery. If the battery is not properly balanced or swollen, stop using it. The safety of your equipment is in your hands to avoid accidents.


Thanks for reading, hope it helps!

Friendly reminder: If you need to replace the battery, this battery store will be a good choice: