How to Manually Charge Your Laptop Battery Without an Adapter

 Laptops are a very important thing in today’s smooth work. However, this mobility can sometimes be a problem because people often forget to carry the charger with them. Charging the battery can sometimes be a challenge in itself, considering that the battery eventually dies. While carrying multiple batteries is a valid option, the fact remains that it is not feasible for all users. To overcome this challenge, all you need to do is learn how to manually charge your laptop battery.

Most high-tech devices are built to eliminate charging ranges without original chargers. However, some technical knowledge can definitely help you charge the battery smoothly. Let’s take a look together!

How to charge laptop battery without adapter?

There are a number of ways to charge a laptop without an adapter, two of which are detailed here.

The first method is to charge the laptop with the help of a USB cable. We all know that laptops have USB ports, but these ports cannot be used to plug in a power source, only to pull it out. It’s worth noting that most laptops have Type B and Type C ports, even though Type A ports are not available. While Type-A ports receive power, Type B ports and Type C ports are innovations introduced to help us. These types of ports also bring power inside, which can help us get rid of the problem of our laptop charging without a charging adapter.

First check if your laptop has a USB port Type C and you are all set to use this alternative.

The second method is that an external battery charger can be an important alternative solution as it also allows you to charge your device without the original charger. This charger doesn’t connect directly to the laptop, so some additional steps are required to continue. To use this as a method requires removing the battery from the port and connecting it to an external charger. This charger, in turn, will be connected to an external power source. Once the battery is fully charged, you can remove the charger and install it on the laptop for smooth work.

Is there any other way to charge the laptop?

Other ways to charge laptop batteries are Ultra Laptop Batteries and Solar Charging Kits.

You can choose to buy a super laptop battery and replace it with a regular battery to extend battery life in severe situations where you don’t have a charger at your disposal. The battery gives you up to 7 hours of backup battery life. This type of battery is useful in certain situations when your standard battery is charged using an external charger.

In addition to this, solar kits are also very popular right now. The device is designed to harness electricity through solar panels and does not rely on bulk power sources. These kits convert the heat of the sun into electricity. Modern solar kits are now designed to be smaller, with greater flexibility and efficiency to keep pace with contemporary times. Portable and foldable, this kit can charge all types of laptop batteries.

>>>>>>>>>>>>Laptop’s battery

Thanks for reading, hope it helps!

Friendly reminder: If you need to replace the battery, this battery store will be a good choice: