How to fix slow charging phone battery

 Have you ever encountered that when your phone starts charging fast, but after a few months, the phone battery charges slowly. Does this make you feel anxious, thinking your phone battery is dead or your phone charger is broken. Then below we will tell you why your phone battery is charging slowly and how to fix it!

Before we can fix the problem of slow charging of the phone, we must first find out what is causing the slow charging. Here are some problems you can try to fix your phone charging slowly:

1. Clean the charging port

If you’ve been using your smartphone for more than a few months, especially in a dusty environment, your phone’s charging port is bound to attract a lot of dust and other elements. The charging port is magnetic, since dust will accumulate in magnetic places – silicon is magnetic and part of dust, and too much dust will make it difficult for current to flow properly into the phone.

Here’s how to clean the charging port:

Get yourself a toothpick or ear swab and gently rub the toothpick or cotton swab into the charging port. Make sure you’re trying to throw the dust out, not push it in. Keep the angle no more than 80°.

You need to redo this over and over again in a few minutes.

After cleaning the port, use a flashlight to check if there is still dust or grime lurking in the charging port. After successfully cleaning the port, plug the phone into the charger and you may see the slow battery charging problem resolved.

2. Restore factory settings

If your phone charged too fast before, but now the fast charge is gone, it may be a problem with your phone software.

A factory reset might just fix the problem and help you with the problem you’re having. However, only try this after you’ve tried all the other methods we’ve mentioned here. Once you factory reset your smartphone, all data will be lost.

3. Check your charger or data cable

If the problem is neither the phone’s charging port nor its software, the problem might be the charger’s output voltage. You can use a special app like Ampere to check the voltage going into your phone. If it is significantly lower than the overall capacity of the advertised charger, the problem may be the charger or the data cable.

A damaged or bent cable can make your phone’s battery charge slowly—especially if you have Apple’s Lighting cable or a Type-B (MicroUSB 2.0) cable.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Phone battery

Thanks for reading, hope it helps!

Friendly reminder: If you need to replace the battery or adapter, this battery store will be a good choice: