Is it safe for you and your device to run your laptop without a battery?

 I had a problem with the battery of a laptop, so I removed the battery and continued to use the laptop on AC power. Does it affect computer performance or harm it in any way? No, it doesn’t. Does it continue to work as before? Yes, it does.

You can use your laptop without a battery

There’s no reason a laptop can’t function properly without a battery, as long as a few things are considered.

First, make sure you’re using the original power adapter that came with your laptop. Power changes can cause components on the laptop’s motherboard to fail, and a battery can prevent this by way of a UPS.

Speaking of power, if you live in an area where there may be heavy electrical loads, you probably shouldn’t use a laptop without a battery. If you know you don’t have high-quality current, don’t do that, or use a UPS as well. This way, you can ensure that your laptop won’t suffer any damage under heavy load. Not to mention that UPSs are essential anyway because you won’t lose your job in the event of a power outage, and they also act as surge protectors.

Another important thing is to never unplug the power cord from the laptop while it is working as this could damage its components.

Also, do not touch the battery contacts when inserting. In the case of most laptops, they’re well hidden, but you might get a little jarring. This is a fairly low voltage. Remember to only remove the battery when the laptop is turned off and unplugged!

If you’re doing this to protect your battery, which makes sense if the laptop isn’t going anywhere and is only sitting on your desk, make sure to charge the battery to around 40% before taking it out and storing it. To maximize its lifespan, you can store it in a Ziploc bag in the refrigerator. If you don’t want to do this, you should at least go through a full charge-discharge cycle regularly. This should improve your battery life.

>>>>>>>>>Laptop’s battery

Thanks for reading, hope it helps!

Friendly reminder: If you need to replace the battery, this battery shop will be your best choice: