How to reset my laptop battery

 Have you ever wondered why laptop batteries don’t provide a lot of power? How do they reset it themselves at home? How to calibrate manually? If you have these numerous questions, the following will explain it to you.

There is no doubt that laptops have become a necessity in everyone’s life. This can be frustrating if your battery isn’t delivering a lot of power. While you can work with your laptop plugged into an outlet, it also creates an annoying situation. But don’t worry, as you can reset the laptop to provide more consistent or accurate charging.

Now let’s take a deeper look at how to reset a laptop battery. Let’s have a look!

How do I reset my laptop battery at home?

Even if you don’t have any professional computer knowledge, you can reset your laptop battery at home without any tools. First, let your laptop battery drain completely: save all your files or any sensitive work because you’re going to have to let your laptop freeze. When this happens, shut down and flip the laptop over to access the battery. Remove any used tabs or buttons on the bottom of the laptop case. If you have a dedicated “reset” button in your laptop battery, press it.

If not, you’ll need to remove any dust or buildup from the connector and set the battery aside. Connect the laptop to the power cord and press the power button. If your laptop can boot without a battery, let it fully boot, then shut it down through the OS menu. If your laptop needs to connect the battery to the trunk, press and hold the power button for 30 seconds. Reconnect the battery and let the laptop charge for an hour without power. Your battery should reset after this hour – you should get a more accurate battery reading when you start your laptop.

What should I do when my laptop battery needs manual calibration?

After resetting your laptop’s battery, fully charge it, then let the laptop drain to monitor battery life. Once it’s fully charged again, you may need to calibrate your laptop’s battery and power usage to get the most out of your battery. While it’s usually done using a battery calibration tool, you can adjust your laptop’s power usage through the Battery Settings menu built into Windows 10. To get this feature, press the battery icon in the upper right corner of the taskbar, then tap “Battery Settings.”

From here, you can change the laptop’s settings to prioritize battery life, or let the laptop freeze by turning off any power-saving settings, then turn it on before re-enabling the setting for further calibration for more accurate readings. Calibration can reveal that the battery has less capacity than you think, or can only squeeze an extra 30 minutes to an hour of runtime out of the battery. If your laptop battery does fail, replacing it with a new one is still the best option.

>>>>>>>>>Laptop battery

Thanks for reading, hope it helps!

Friendly reminder: If you need to replace the battery, this store will be a good choice: