Phone not charging? It might help to try this simple toothpick trick first!

 There are many reasons why your iPhone or Android phone might no longer charge—from rusted charging ports to damaged cables. But a common problem is that your charging port, whether it’s Lightning on the iPhone 13 or USB-C on phones like the Google Pixel 6 Pro, gets clogged with dirt and the cable doesn’t plug all the way in. Let’s take a look at the reasons and solutions below!

Why is my charging port blocked?

The phone’s charging ports don’t have protective covers, which means they’re exposed to every bit of dust, grime, and debris they come across. But those tiny bits of dust and lint can build up over the months or years you own your phone, pressing together every time you plug in the charging cable until it forms a solid barrier to your charger from fully entering and allowing it to connect and Charge. If your phone is more than six months old and you’re gradually finding that the charger is becoming more and more unstable, there’s a good chance that dirt on your port is the culprit.

How to Clean Your Phone’s Charging Port

Unclogging your phone port is an easy task. You’ll need a cocktail stick, toothpick, or other small item that can be inserted into the port to scrape off grime. Wood or plastic is better because it’s less likely to scratch anything inside and possibly cause injury.

Insert the tool of your choice into the charging port until it goes no further, then gently start scraping away. With the iPhone’s Lightning port, you can scrape back and forth, but with USB-C, you’ll need to scrape the charging connector that sits in the middle of the port.

Eventually, you will start to loosen the compacted pieces and you will be able to drain the sloughed material out of the port. It’s a satisfying process, and you might be surprised how much stuff actually turns out. Work lightly on the sides of the port, but be careful not to scratch any metal charging connectors too hard.

Hopefully it’s now safer to plug in and start charging. If not, go ahead and try to extract more dirt and test the charger again. If that still doesn’t solve the problem, it’s time to consider other solutions, like a new cable or charger.

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Thanks for reading, hope it helps!

Friendly reminder: If you need to replace your device battery, this battery store will be a good choice: