How to set up your iPhone to enhance your privacy and keep ad trackers away from your iPhone

 Have you ever encountered this kind of thing? When you buy something online, within a few weeks or a period of time, many places on your mobile phone are full of advertisements for such things. Does this make you Feeling scared, feeling that my privacy has been leaked somehow. However, starting from the iOS 14.5 update, there is a feature on your iPhone that can help you improve online privacy, giving you the option to disable ad tracking in the apps you use.

Apple’s App Tracking Transparency feature gives you more control over which apps can track you on your iPhone and how to track you. Unless you explicitly allow the app to track you, it cannot use your data for targeted advertising, share your location data with advertisers, or share your advertising ID or any other identifier with third parties. Let’s take a look specifically below!

How to turn off app tracking on new apps

When you download and open a new application, you will receive a notification asking if you want the application to track your activities on other companies’ applications and websites. You can click to ask the application not to track to prevent the activity or allow it.

You can also opt out of app tracking for each app you download by going to “Settings”> “Privacy”> “Tracking” and turning off “Allow apps to request tracking”. This means that any application that tries to request your permission will be automatically blocked from asking and notifying you that you have requested not to be tracked. According to Apple, all applications (except those you granted tracking permissions in the past) will be blocked from accessing your device information for advertising.

How to turn off app tracking on downloaded apps

For applications that you have downloaded and may have tracking permissions set, you can still turn these permissions on or off for each application. The operation is as follows:

Under Settings, tap an app, and then tap to turn off allow tracking. Or go to “Settings”> “Privacy”> “Tracking” and tap to turn on or off each app you will see in the list of apps that have requested permission to track your activities.

All application developers must obtain tracking permission. If Apple learns that developers are tracking users who have asked not to be tracked, they will need to update their tracking practices or they may be rejected by the app store.

Apple believes that privacy features like this are a differentiating factor for its products. Cook has said that because the company’s business model is not based on selling advertising, it can focus on privacy.

Even so, it’s important to remember that when you ask an application not to track you, all you are actually doing is prohibiting application developers from accessing the Identifier for Advertisers (IDFA) on your iPhone. Developers use your device’s IDFA to track you for targeted advertising purposes. Denying access to your iPhone’s IDFA does not necessarily mean that application developers will not track you in other ways, so it’s important to pay attention to the applications you use and how you interact with them.

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Thank you for reading, and hope to help you!

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