To prevent Google from tracking you, just change these settings!

 Google is tracking you, did you know? If you are using any Google application, you are most likely being tracked. Even if you turn off location history in your Google account, some Google applications are still storing
your location data. Google’s support page on this matter stated that even if it is closed, “some location data may continue to be saved in other settings.” Google tells us that it uses this data to make features more personalized and useful, and that this information will never be shared with third parties or advertisers. However, if you are still dissatisfied with this, just take a few more steps and you can usually prevent Google from knowing your location 24/7.

Please note that turning off this default setting does have some disadvantages. Although Google’s settings may seem annoying to some people, they can also help foster a hyper-personalized online experience. According to Google, they help provide users with more relevant information, rather than random information. Let’s take a look!

Here’s how to actually turn off Google tracking, and what the results of doing so might be.

If you want to completely turn off Google’s ability to record your location:

1. Open on your desktop or mobile browser.

2. In the upper right corner, if you have not logged into your Google account.

3. Choose to manage your Google account.

4. In the Privacy and Personalization box, select Manage your data and personalization.

5. Scroll down to active controls, and then select Manage your active controls.

6. There you will see a box called Web & App Activity. From there, you can slide the toggle switch to off.

7. Before choosing Pause, there will be an explanation to make sure you understand the effect of disabling this setting.

What will this prevent Google from storing?

Turning off this setting prevents Google from storing location markers related to certain actions and stops storing information collected from searches or other activities. Turn it off to keep your general location and other places you’ve been confidential.

Please note that to use some features effectively, Google still needs access to your location information. However, completing the above steps will prevent it from storing any of your future activities. However, you can grant Google permission to use your precise location to get the best and most accurate search results related to your location.

What are the pros and cons of turning off Google tracking?

Turning off tracking means that you will see less relevant ads, useful search suggestions, and generally get a less personalized experience when using search engines and their applications and services. For people who like personalized advertising, turning off tracking will prevent Google from predicting what you might care about. However, for those who put privacy above everything else, turning off this setting may be worth the loss of specificity.

Summary: You can maintain your privacy and lose your personalized Internet experience, or continue to see relevant advertisements and search suggestions instead of more random, unfiltered information.

If I turn off this Google setting, will I lose any saved data?

No, your saved data will remain unchanged. Disabling tracking will prevent Google from storing future information with location attachments, but will not delete any previous data it has collected. To delete the location history information, please follow the steps below:

1. On your browser, go to the Google homepage and make sure you are logged in. Click the profile icon in the upper right corner and select Manage your Google account.

2. Select the data and personalization on the left toolbar or select the check box on the manage your data and personalization page. Both options will take you to the same place.

3. Under the activity control, select location history.

4. Choose Manage Events and it will take you to the Google Timeline.

5. In the lower right corner, click the settings icon to the map button to the left immediately, and then choose to delete all location records.

6. Check this box to indicate that you understand and want to delete all location records.

7. Click Delete location history.

To manually delete your web and application activity records, please follow the steps below:

1. On your computer, go to

2. Under Search your activity, click Delete.

3. Click All time.

4. Click Next, and then click Delete to confirm.

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