Can you damage a phone’s battery by charging it too often, or for too long?

We round up the best battery care tips to keep your smartphone battery healthy for as long as possible .

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Why is it that your phone’s battery seems to get worse over time? At first it might have power to spare as you snuggle into bed at the end of the day, but as time goes on you find your battery is just half-full by lunchtime.

Partly it’s how you use your phone – the apps you install, the junk you collect, the customisations you make, and the more and more notifications you receive – puts more strain on the battery.

But the other thing to consider is that phone batteries, like all batteriesdo degrade over time, which means they are increasingly incapable of holding the same amount of power. While they should have a lifespan of between three and five years, or between 500 and 1,000 charging cycles, a three-year-old phone battery is never going to keep going as long as a brand-new battery.

Three things wear out lithium-ion batteries: number of charging cycles, temperature, and age.

However, armed with our tips for best battery care practice, you can maintain your smartphone battery health much longer.

In the next issue, I will show you how to charge the mobile phone battery with the least impact