How to maximize the lifespan of iPhone battery

Introduction There have been many breakthroughs in smartphone technologies over the years. But one thing that is bothering the manufacturer – how to have longer battery life for the devices? As smartphone users are increasingly dependent on their devices, so do the usage time. And having to re-charge several times throughout the day, sometimes scrambling to find a charging station, has become a nuisance task for users. 
Manufacturers over the years have introduced a faster charging method, ease of charging through wireless and bigger battery capacity. But there is a limitation to how much we can extend the battery life. Unfortunately, there is no perfect solution to this issue yet. we can educate ourselves to have an understanding of the limitation of battery and how to make the best out of it. 
About lithium-ion batteriesLithium-ion batteries were commercialized in the 1990s. Comparing with the previous generation of battery technology, lithium-ion charge faster, last longer, and can hold more charge in a smaller form. Till date, vendors do not have a commercially viable product to replace the lithium technology yet. 
Understand how your phone battery degradesYour Apple lithium-ion battery uses fast charging to reach 80 percent of its capacity quickly, then switches to slower trickle charging. Apple iOS also limit charging above 80 percent if battery temperatures get too hot. to prevent over-charging. 
An iPhone lithium-ion battery typically holds up to 500 charge cycles, or about two years; before you will see a degrading of the battery to 80% of its full capacity. You complete one charge cycle when you have used an amount equals 100% of your battery’s capacity. 
Example, you use up 60% today and re-charge it fully the next day. If you use 40% the next day, then you will have discharged a total of 100%. That is one charge cycle. It could also take several days to complete a cycle. 
Question: Can I leave the iPhone to charge overnight even at 100 Percent?
Theoretically, you can. iPhone will continue to charge even when the battery is at full capacity. it will affect the battery cycle, as previously discussed, in the long run. 
How to maximize battery performance “Battery life” is the amount of time a device runs before it needs to be re-charged. “Battery lifespan” is the amount of time a battery lasts until it needs to be replaced. 
Let’s find out how we can stretch or maximum the lifespan and performance of your device’s battery. 
1. Update to the latest softwareSimple yet effective. Apple software updates often include advanced energy-saving technologies, so always make sure your device is using the latest version of iOS.
2.Avoid extreme ambient temperaturesThe ideal temperature comfort zone is between 16 – 22 degree). Avoid exposing your device to an ambient temperature higher than 35 degrees. Example, under direct sun, near high heat area, left in the car under hot weather. and decreases the battery lifespan in the long term. 3. Remove certain cases during chargingiPhone case is important. But charging your iPhone inside certain styles of cases may generate excess heat, which can affect battery capacity. If you notice that your device gets hot when you charge it, take it out of its case first. 4. Store it half-charged when you store it long termIf you are not using your device for long-term, do the following:
Do not fully charge or fully discharge your device’s battery – charge it to around 50%. Switch off the device to avoid additional battery use. Place your device in a cool, moisture-free environment that’s less than 32 degrees. If you plan to store your device for longer than six months, charge it to 50% every six months. 

ConclusionHopefully, all these tips will add up enough savings to help you get through the day without having to charge up regularly. And needing to charge less has its benefit: it prolongs the health of your battery so you won’t have to replace it quite soon. 
If you have tried the above methods yet finds that yourphone battery is not holding the charge, it could be time to change your battery.
SellUp provides on-site battery replacement within 30 mins. Check out our low fee and make an appointment now!