2 new features of Google Maps you need to know

 I believe that many of you should have used Google Maps! Do you know 2 new features of Google Maps? They will provide you with great help in places you are not familiar with! For example: when you are late, you can also use Google Maps to let your family know where you are. In addition, you can book in advance through the app without having to call the restaurant. We will tell you all the ways that Google Maps can help you spend your vacation smoothly, and how to use all seven features.

Navigate through airports, shopping malls and transit stations

If you need to quickly find a store in a large shopping mall, Google Maps is expanding its catalog tab for all airports, shopping malls, and transit stations, which it announced in November. This helps prevent running around at the airport, trying to find a place to eat, or buying souvenirs at the last minute before catching a flight.

Browse Google Maps to see how busy a place is

Google has added a new feature to its busy tool on Google Maps. Previously, you needed to search for a location to see a graph showing its congestion level in real time. But now, a new feature called “area busyness” allows you to see when the entire map area is blocked by people.

With this new feature, you can open the Google Maps app on your Android or iPhone, and then move around on the map to find the approximate area. Busy information is now automatically displayed on the map, so you don’t need to specifically search for a place to see how crowded it is. Google Maps may display words such as “Busy Area”, and when you click to see more details, it may display “As Busy as possible.”

Track your trip in Google Maps

Of course, Google Maps can draw your travel map, but it can also quickly display your vacation flights, hotels, car rentals, and restaurant reservations, saving you the trouble of searching for check-in times and confirmation numbers in emails.

To view your upcoming reservations:

1. In Google Maps, click Save in the bottom menu row.

2. Click to book. Here, you will see a list of upcoming reservations that the map extracted from emails in Gmail.

3. Select an item to view more information about the reservation, including date and location.

4. You can also search for “My Reservations” in the Google Map search box to view the list of your reservations.

Reserve restaurants directly in Google Maps

Google Maps can help you book lunch or dinner.

1. In the “Map”, click the “Restaurant” button at the top of the map to view a list of dining establishments.

2. Choose a restaurant that looks good, and in the pop-up window, reserve a table or join the waiting list, if it provides you with that option.

Use Google Maps offline

Go to a remote place where you may not have a mobile network connection? When you are offline, Google Maps can still provide you with directions. The operation is as follows:

1. Before departure, search for the location where you need the route on the map.

2. In the position window, pull up the bottom menu.

3. Scroll the tab to the right and click Download, then click Download again in the next window. The map will download the map of the selected area to your phone.

Now, when you use Google Maps to find directions in the area where you downloaded the map, the map will switch to an offline map to guide you when you lose your cellular connection.

Find electric car charging stations and gas stations anytime, anywhere

If you’re going to take an electric car out for shopping, dinner, or vacation, Google Maps can help you find the electric car charging station on your route and the estimated waiting time for the charging port. You can also filter the search by connector type to view only sites that are compatible with your EV.

1. On the map, scroll the tabs at the top of the screen, and then tap More.

2. Scroll down to the service section and select Electric car charging.

3. The map will show nearby charging stations and the number of available charging stations.

4. Tap the charging station on the map to let the map add it as a stop in the itinerary.

Share your location via Google Maps

Google Maps can help everyone get together again.

1. In Google Maps, tap the profile icon in the upper right corner, then tap location sharing.

2. Tap Share location and choose who you want to share your location with and when you want to share it.

3. Tap Share and Google Maps will send your location to everyone you choose.

4. If you want to view the location of another person, click the person’s icon at the top of the window, and then click Request.

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